Inactivity time! The following people are on the inactivity list for the month of November:
camelliamagicitalianscansparlncendiopunchedaliveruneishvesselofagodwanttoseemywandwearhiscolourswith_a_ribbonwrestlingwitch These people must provide THREE posts, threads, or logs during November to remain in the game. If you are on hiatus for more than two weeks in November, you won't be required to post, but you will stay on the inactivity list for December.
IN ADDITION, if you're on this list, we'd like to hear from you in some way, whether that be PM, comment here, IM, email, or just having your character post, to let us know that you're still interested in the game (IC comments to another character's post do NOT count, simply because it is very easy for us to miss them). If we don't hear from you by November 15th, we'll assume that you are no longer interested, and your character will be swept.