So I've got a giant key, okay.

Oct 06, 2011 20:28

WHO: Xion and whoever comes across her
TONE: Silly. Obviously
RATING: PG at the most come on, it's Xion
WHEN: 10/6/2011
WHERE: An empty classroom or something, idk
WHAT: Xion discovers she has the weird ability to summon a giant key. SHENANIGANS ENSUE?
STATUS: It never ends

[The first time it happened, Xion was a little surprised. After all, it's a giant key. Although it sort of felt like a sword when she swung it around.

It was fun. Not quite as light as a rapier, but the key was evidently rather attached to her as it flew back into her hands whenever she put it down. No one would notice if she slipped away for a bit and practiced swinging it around for a bit, right? She was practically invisible after all.

Thus, Xion is in an empty room swinging her strange keysword around, possibly giggling at the swoosh sounds it makes as she does.]

open, xion

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