Running is good for the soul

Apr 10, 2011 09:24

WHO: Marcus, Kelly, Firo
TONE: Mostly serious
RATING: PG13 if people start swearing
WHEN: Early morning. If you look hard, you might see the sun considering coming up.
WHERE: Outside the castle.
WHAT: Marcus gives Kelly and Firo their detention. ♥
ooc: Mods, could you add Marcus & Kelly to the list of tags? thanks!

Oh, what a beatiful mor~ning/Oh, what a beautiful day~

Marcus hummed those bars under his breath as he waited for his pair of delinquents. He was quite ready for a good, long run. Short-sleeved shirt, short running pants, good shoes, hat, and sunglasses currently folded on the collar of his shirt as the sun wasn't quite up. His wand rested comfortable in a holster he had concocted that looped on his belt as he was a paranoid bastard. He didn't expect anything to happen on a simple run but better to be prepared. Just in case.

He had told the kids to dress appropriately for a run and where to meet him. He used the interim to stretch out his arms and legs, his back and torso, and his neck. A few joints popped as he relaxed and lost tension. He wasn't that old yet.

firo, marcus, kelly

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