Better late than never, right?

Mar 10, 2009 20:10

WHO: Sanzo, Nia
TONE: Drama, fluff, lovey-dovey. Yes. Lovey freaking dovey.
WHEN: February 14, day after the love potion event
WHERE: Hallways
WHAT: Sanzo is completely pissed off about how he acted during that whole love potion thing and is out for blood. Unfortunately, Nia happens to cross his path. Or maybe it's fortunately? Either way, the two finally wind up talking which leads to some drama followed by some fluff.
STATUS: Completed

Sanzo was pissed. No, he was beyond pissed. The only words to describe his feelings at the moment would be completely bloody enraged. Everything that stupid love potion made him say the other day, all those kind words and how happy they made Nia, kissing her and holding her tightly, were things he never wanted to do! Dammit, he did not show emotion and he didn't mean any of that! Well, he did but she wasn't supposed to know about it!

A growl escaped him as the monk stomped down the hall, sending a menacing glare at any unfortunate thing that happened to cross his path

Nia had chosen the right, or perhaps wrong moment to cross paths with him. From the previous day of Sanzo confessing she was so happy to hear the words from his mouth. Though it did worry her a little that he had chosen that moment when everyone else had been under the influence of some kind of potion. Perhaps he had been as well. Nia sighed softly as she walked down the hallway with a few papers and a book for Diviations which was to start soon. She was not paying attention to who was in front of her but the small bump caused her to look up at she smiled politely. "Good day Sanzo dear, is everything alright..? You look quite upset."

When someone ran into him, Sanzo wondered who would be stupid enough to cross his path. When he saw that it was the one person he didn't want to see, every ounce of restraint left him. After she asked her stupid question, Sanzo let out a good portion of his anger on Nia, "Of course I'm fucking upset! I acted like a fucking love-struck puppy because of some goddamned potion or did those fucking babies cause you to lose braincells and not bloody notice! All that stupid nonsense I fucking said! I'll make sure whoever the hell was responsible for this shit pisses lead for a year!" Oh yes, once he caught the guy responsible, he was dead. D E A D. DEAD.

At the harsh words, Nia flinched. He really didn't mean anything he said. Her hands clenched at her sides and a rare emotion came onto Nia. Bitter tears stung her eyes as she held out her hand, slapping him across the face. She looked at her hand in shock, surprised she even had done such a thing but It seemed to not be what she would do ever...but her heart was in pieces again at how he called her an idiot because of her babies. Her shocked expression left her and a glare replaced it, "Perhaps then you should watch what you eat and drink Professor Sanzo.....maybe it was a mistake for me to ever have fallen in love with you. Do what you please then sir..." Tears slid down her flushed cheeks," ...Maybe Vash was right..." She whispered softly before going past him.

He was surprised, to say the least, when Nia's hand suddenly collided with his face. That was something he sure as hell wasn't expecting. Then he saw the tears and felt like an ass. Nia didn't deserve that, she wasn't the one who caused the whole thing anyway. As she walked past him, a small sigh escaped him. Sanzo reached out and clasped her shoulder, not speaking for several seconds as he contemplated on what exactly he should say. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, "What do you want me to say? That I meant every last word of that? Nia, you out of all the damned people in the world know that I didn't mean everything. I'm a monk. I can't get bloody married even if I wanted to." After that he added in a softer tone, "Maybe it was a mistake. Loving an asshole like me will only bring you pain in the end. You sure as hell don't deserve that; neither do they." And that was the truth.

With the hand clasped at her shoulder, Nia closed her eyes, her hands at her stomach as she stood there and listened again. He was gentler this time but..the feelings still stood. She knew it but... Nia turned slowly, looking at him sadly.

"...I did hope...but I suppose not.." She sighed quietly," I know...but my feelings still" Nia bit her lower lip and smiled tearfully, "Then do what you wish Sanzo. I am not to hold you back for anything and neither do the babies.." Her hands cupped his cheek, seeing the part that she slapped was a little red. Nia slowly leaned up and gave his reddened cheek a soft kiss before bowing," Do what you may desire Sanzo yes? I am still more than happy to remain acquaintances as well." With that, Nia turned away and walked rather quickly away before he could stop her again.

Sanzo watched her walk away, not making any move to chase her. She was still upset, he was positive. A few months ago, he couldn't have cared less but now... he did care, as much as he didn't want to. When had he started caring about the woman so much? It didn't matter. What mattered was that she was upset because of him and he needed to do something about it. With that in mind, Sanzo followed her.

Nia had paused in front of the classroom, her eyes downcast before she turned away and leaned against the wall for a few moments. Nia placed her papers and book on Vash's desk in the classroom before walking away quickly and past the curious stares of the students who observed her. She walked quickly down the hallway, making her way to her office and shutting the door behind her.

Nia had paused in front of the classroom, her eyes downcast before she turned away and leaned against the wall for a few moments. Nia placed her papers and book on Vash's desk in the classroom before walking away quickly and past the curious stares of the students who observed her. She walked quickly down the hallway, making her way to her office and shutting the door behind her.

Sanzo wondered what he could say to cheer her up. With his luck, he'll probably wind up making her even more upset. He wasn't cut out to comfort people, dammit! But he understood that this was his fault. "Dammit." Cursed Sanzo while walking down the hall, sending a menacing glare at anyone who dared look at him.

Upon arriving at the door, the monk simply stared at the handle for a moment before snorting softly. He was behaving like a stupid teenager trying to make up with his girlfriend after calling her fat and he was not stupid or a teenager. Reaching into his pocket, Sanzo pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, far too eagerly lighting one smoke up before leaning his back against the door. Smoking near the babies was bad, but there was a door separating them and he bloody needed a smoke. Once having taken a nice, long drag and exhaling it, Sanzo finally spoke up in a loud enough tone that Nia would be able to hear him on the other side of the door. "You really are a bloody masochist, aren't you?"

Flowered pupils widened in surprise at the voice on the other side of her door, pausing in her book as she closed it and placed it aside. She was about to slowly stand but instead she remained at her chair.

"I do not know what you mean Sanzo..." Nia softly replied, though loud enough for Sanzo to hear.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." Sanzo calmly stated, not buying Nia's naivety for a second. He took another another drag before continuing, "You never say what you really bloody feel even if it means you wind up getting hurt because of it. The stuff you just said about being happy to remain just acquaintances is bullshit and you know it. You won't be happy. You aren't happy."

Nia paused for a moment before walking to the door, opening it slowly as she stared up at him. Her mind swirling as she tugged at his robes. Her eyes were teary again as she spoke," For so long I have loved you Sanzo... To know that you do acknowledge me now is quite fine because then I know I am very much known to you." Nia pulled him down to her level, brushing her lips against his," I never forgot meeting you in the gardens.."

When Sanzo heard her open the door, he tossed his smoke aside since he knew it was bad for the kids. Staring back at her, Sanzo allowed Nia to tug at his robes and pull him towards her. Sanzo quietly listened to her speak and didn't say anything when she placed a kiss on his lips. It was only after a few seconds that the man finally spoke. "Having a person you love acknowledge you may make you slightly happy but you'll always feel like crap when you realize that the only thing they do is acknowledge you and nothing else... And I-- I remember that, too."

She sighed and glanced away before looking back up at him," ... They say you may fall in love many times... but I am not sure if they meant it would keep being the same person.. You say I will feel terrible..but come what may, I will keep placing my foot forward and not dwell. My children are important to are my students and people I care about. I have never known the feeling of being" Nia looked shocked, backing away a little,"..then forget it is best for you to...I wish not for pity from you."

"Che. I don't give pity to anyone. Pity is for those who are weak, you're not one of them. " Stated Sanzo before sighing sighing. He really wasn't good with these kinds of things. "I never forgot it to begin with. I'll be honest and say that I didn't have feelings for you back then. I just thought that you were just another bloody student in this stupid school who I wouldn't ever give a rat's ass about, but back then I still realized you weren't like them. You were actually a good person, kind unlike the rest of us. Never thought that you'd wind up loving an asshole like me, an asshole that doesn't know how to show his feelings to others, an asshole who pushes people away because he's scared of actually giving a shit about them, an asshole that makes the person who loves him cry because he's too stupid to know how to make her smile."

Nia listened carefully, her eyebrows narrowed in confusion before it clicked at his words. Her lips slowly formed a loving smile as her hands gently placed his on her stomach, "That person certainly does not know how to say it in words but perhaps his actions are better understood.." She looked up at him slowly before giggling lightly, "Perhaps that is the reason that she loves that person more so anyone else. He seems to show her another side besides one that is supposed to be a brighter place. A dark and light attraction really."

Sanzo let Nia guide his hands to her stomach, his violet eyes staring at it as he listened to her words. Once she was done talking, Sanzo himself began to speak, "I still don't understand why you love an asshole like me. I sure as hell don't deserve someone like you, but..." Finally looking up to gaze at Nia, Sanzo's violet eyes gazed intensely yet very gently into Nia's flower ones, "You don't deserve being unhappy because of me even more. I'm not going to push you away anymore because of my own bloody fear of actually loving another human being."

Her eyes widened, her smile wiping from her face in a brief moment as her hands, trembling to cup his face. "I most certainly deserve to be with someone like yourself. Because we are both seeking another human contact that may complete our own empty part." Nia smiled sweetly," it is best to not run away ever again Sanzo..I will as well."

"Yeah. We'll both stop running. Running away from things is for the weak bastards who whine and cry about everything." The tiniest hint of a smile was on his face as he said that. Suddenly, Sanzo appeared a little uncomfortable, his eyes darting away from Nia briefly while his cheeks tinted red ever so slightly. "I.. I do love you."

Nia slowly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly as she smiled," I do love you Sanzo.." she whispered, smiling back at him.

Giving her a slightly larger smile this time, Sanzo returned Nia's embrace. He didn't know if this was the right thing to do, but this actually made him feel better... up until he realized that he had to start grading his brat's papers in a few minutes or he'd never finish by Monday. The monk sighed slightly. Dammit, he didn't really want to go, but he had to do it, "Look, I gotta get going to grade the brats' papers now. But... I won't mind if you come by my room later."

Enjoying the embrace, Nia seemed quite content until he spoke again. She gave him a smile back," It is okay Sanzo.....I shall gladly come see you in your room then." Nia replied, her cheeks slightly pink," I may bring those snacks that you like as well." Nia pulled away, "Go..I shall be waiting." She leaned up, kissing his cheek.

sanzo, nia

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