Bit of chit, bit of chat

Mar 01, 2009 20:23

WHO: Li Shenshung and Dorothy Catalonia
TONE: Light, cautious
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Dungeons somewhere
WHAT: Chit Chat
STATUS: Complete

Dorothy was once again wandering the hallways, though this time around she was exploring the dungeons.

A donut in mouth, Li had just come back from Hogsmade... where he was did a little 'shopping'. It was obvious this included donuts , though surely they couldn't have been the lone purpose of his trip. He decided to traverse the dungeon-- he looked innocent enough. Much to his surprise, he saw Doroty again, the blond haired slytherin who he had met wandering around before. " Heyyy!!" He called out cheerfully.

Dorothy wasn't nearly as upset as she had been the last time they'd spoken, now she was more irritated with her fellow Slytherins. Not that she would say as much to many, if any. Hearing the, by now familiar, voice of Li, she turned and smiled. "Hello."

" Donut?" He offered her some out of the box he was holding. " Weird seeing you down here... are you trying to escape all the trouble your house is causing?" Li teased.

Dorothy shook her head slightly, "no thank you." She laughed lightly. "I merely enjoy exploring this castle. It is larger than I'm used to, as well as older."

Li shrugged, and took another huge bite out of a donut. " It is! I imagine that's why that Minato kid went undiscovered for a while." Li looked at her, a curious smile on his face" You were one of the first to know about that, weren't you?"

Dorothy shrugged, quiet smile. "The portraits do enjoy talking about what they see."

" Heh, I guess. You seem very well connected, Dorothy. " He winked at her. Despite the silly look on his face, and the donut in his hand, his blue eyes were quite serious.

"I was placed in Slytherin for a reason," was her only reply. Whether she felt she was among the only members of the current Slytherin House that belonged there, or not, did not come into factor.

He laughed. "I'm not quite sure where I would be sorted..but you guys sure do give me a lot of stuff to look into. Isn't Slytherin not too approving of non pure-bloods or something?"

Dorothy chuckled, having her own suspisions of where Li would be sorted. "That is what the Founder wished. There are, however, others within the current House who are not pure of blood." Her pale eyes gave away nothing of her thoughts on this, nor did her voice.

"Hmm." He finished another donut, his 4th one now. " Well what do you think about it?"

"Who am I to disput where the Sorting Hat places new students?" She answered demurely, cautious in how she answered.

" Well, some of your fellow Slytherins like to do so!" he winked. " I'm sure some are even supportive of the Death Eaters...they have been giving the Ministry trouble lately." Li sighed.

"I am aware of that," Dorothy answered. "I doubt it is merely those of my house that support the Death Eaters to the point of violence."

Li smiled. " I guess you never know who could be into dealings with them huh? It's all so complicated...makes my head hurt." He frowned. She was as cold and unnmoving as ice, and he had to find a way to get into her head...

Dorothy nodded slightly, hands clasped together in front of her. "I have heard that politics can do that."

" Best not to get involved then, especially since you're cousins' here and all...I would think that could get messy." He smiled particulary wide as he put into a bright pink donut with sprinkles.

Dorothy hid a twitch when Li mentioned her cousin. She shrugged slightly. "I leave politics to those who understand them."

" Yeah, me too. I just do my job that's all. Though many people here think I can't even do that.......Oh well. Guess they'll see. " Having finished the box of donuts, he threw them into a nearby trash can. " Am I really that silly? " he asked her innocently.

Dorothy smiled, laughing quietly. "I'm sure you'll show them," she answered. Tilting her head, she appeared to study him before she spoke again. "Silly? No, that wouldn't be how I'd describe you. You seem to truly enjoy the world."

Li chuckled." At least you think so. I must be going though... I got official business to be doing, ya know? I'm sure I'll see you around soon."

Dorothy smiled demurely, "of course."

li, dorothy

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