1. Name:Mandy
2. Age:15
Remember to explain why/elaborate on the following questions.
3. Have you read all 6 Harry Potter Books? Which book was your favorite? Yes, I've read all 6. My favorite is by FAR Prizoner of Azkaban. I liked that Harry, for once, wasn't fighting Lord Voldemort. The idea of Harry finally living with his dad's best friend and godfather was an idea I had been fantasizing about ever since the first one. But I guess leaving the Dursleys and living a normal happy life wouldn't make Harry Harry Potter.
4. Which house qualities do you value most? I value intelligence most. I believe that, with intelligence comes the common sense you need to respect things like ambition, bravery, and loyalty. Without intelligence there would be no point. Say I valued ambition the most, well without intelligence there would be no ambition. Most of the time, when I think of ambition I think of people who strive for a certain carrer their whole life. Without intelligence you really wouldn't get anywhere. I believe intelligence is the root of all good qualities.
5. What are your pet peeves?
Oh geez, you asked the wrong person this question.
#1: BAD GRAMMAR. I hate it. Period. See, notice that, I put a period at the end of my sentence. Whoaaa I'm sure that takes a LOT of effort. OH here's another example I spell a lot two different words. Just like they are. Okay, so anyway, bad grammar is so annoying to me. I constantly see it on instant messaging programs. You know that one AIM icon that says " R U there yt?" I honestly had no idea what yt meant and I asked a friend and they said "yet! duhhh." and when they told me that it struck me, are people really THAT lazy? I even sometimes see it on school PAPERS. ESSAYS! People think it's okay to use "u" and "r". That's so sad to me...UGH. Another thing about grammar that bothers me is the fact that people think there's only one "there". Oh yeah, and that you're is just your. No! NO NO NO!
#2: Lacking ambition. There are so many people at my school who just DON'T care. It is so hard to fail a class but they just fail all six. I watch them sometimes, when we're taking notes for example, they just sit there, look around, or sleep. When a teacher gives an assignment THAT easy, all they have to do is copy down the notes, but noooo they decide that they want to just look around reading the posters on the wall that say things like "try your best!" or "stand up for what's right, even if you're standing alone." I really just don't understand it. How could you not care that much. It's like they don't realize that what you do in highschool reflects what you for your entire life. Especially those kids that you know could be so great at everything. Those kids who have so much potential. I want to like shake them and say "DO IT NOW! YOU HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!!!" It's pretty much really really annoying.
#3: Smokers Okay, I don't have anything against people who've been smoking since the 50's and 60's. They didn't know about the effects. But kids now, who smoke just because it's cool. UGH IT'S SO STUPID. I've always wondered about these kids and I asked a few of them what they think and some of the most common answers are "If it really was bad for you the government wouldn't let the tabacco industries sell it!" or "All that stuff on the TV are total lies! They just don't kids underage to smoke." or, this just tops the cake guys. "Smoking relieves my stress." SMOKING DOES NOT RELIEVE YOUR STRESS IT JUST SEEMS THAT WAY BECAUSE EVEN IF YOU SMOKE ONCE YOU'RE A TINY TINY BIT ADDICTED AND SMOKING AGAIN FEEDS THAT ADDICTION. I mean, think about it, if you really wanted to smoke, why not just smoke weed. At least you get something out of it. (Not that I'm saying that you should ever smoke anything.)
#4: Liars Okay, here's my biggest pet peeve I think. I really don't mind if people who decide that they don't want me to know about something personal or just something that they'd rather keep to themselves want to lie to me. I don't care. What I don't know won't hurt me. I'm a big believer in that. But when you decide to lie about stupid stuff just to make yourself look cooler...I just can't deal with that and I'll be a big fat bitch to you all. Let me tell you a story about a real life experience with this. One of my best friends, Leah, well in 9th grade she decided to date this guy Josh. At first, I was like, "Hey, this guy is pretty cool." He even showed us this awesome song called "the panda song" and said that his friends Matt and Daniel wrote it and at first Leah and I were like "OH MY GOODNESS HE'S EVEN COOLER NOW!" But for some reason, I thought the lyrics would be on google so I searched it and found out that it REALLY WASN'T HIM singing the song but this other group I don't remember the name. Slowly Leah and I discovered that he lied about so many more things...I just can't stand people like that. I think it's sad really..Well let's just say that they're definately not together anymore. Ew.
#5: Immaturity. Sometimes, most of the time, the immaturity of people astounds me. I'm in 10th grade for those of you who couldn't figure it out, and yet, people still think that it's funny when people say "boobies" or "fart". Come ON kids, grow up. In Chemistry, probably about a week ago we did this lab using glow sticks and someone in our class decided to steal 20 of them. Keep in mind this is predominately an 11th grade class. The glowsticks were seriously only about an inch long. WHO NEEDS 20 GLOWSTICKS AN INCH LONG!??! They weren't even different colors. Well anyway, our teacher was so angry he said we really won't be doing many more labs. UGH! Retard.
6. Based from your personality, what kind of Animagus would you be? (The animal chooses you, you don’t choose it.) Hm, I think I'd most likely be a dolphin. Intelligent, yet childlike. Dolphins have always captivated me with their joy. It seems like they just love living. And that's exactly how I feel. I believe in living life to the fullest and with no regrets.
7. What shape would your Boggart take? (Remember: Your Boggart takes the shape of the thing that you fear the most.) My Boggart, like Molly Weasley would take the shape of my loved ones dying. I have a really big...I don't want to say problem because I'm sure it's natural to worry about your family but I have these like really irrational fears about my mom and dad getting in car accidents when I'm not with them. Sometimes, when I come home from a late night with my friends I walk into the house and in my head I'm thinking "What if my mom and dad are dead in their beds right now." I suppose it's just like a mental thing, to prepare me for the worst? I don't know, whatever it is it gets on my nerves sometimes.
8. What do you worry about the most and why? (Note: This is not the same thing that your Boggart becomes. Your biggest fear and your biggest worry are two different things.) At this very momment I think my biggest worry is not getting into the University of Washington. I want to be a doctor and they have one of the best medical programs in the country. In order for me to qualify I'll need to take high math classes (I'm in algebra 3/4 right now which is a year ahead but I'm horrible at it) as well as science (I'm good at that though) and throughout my entire career as a student I've gotten all C's (C's C+'s or C-'s) and one B (which was only a semester). Math is really fuckin my GPA up. I need at least a 3.7 and a 1000 (at least for the old school one outta 1500) on my SAT's. I'm really not sure if I'm going to make the cut. I'm so nervous. I mean, I finally figure out what I want to do, where I want to go and have it ruined because I'm not good at math. I could be in my own grade math level, and I'm sure I'd do fine. I'd probably be exceptional. I'd have a 4.0 since 7th grade. But no. I decide that I want to take a year harder math. I dunno...I just really want to be a doctor. And I've been struggling for so long about my choice for a career. It'd just suck if I found out I wasn't smart enough for it.
9. Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire? No. For one I really wouldn't be up to all the dangerous tasks that would be in store for me. Plus, I may be in the top 10% of my class, but that doesn't mean I'm at the very top. I doubt the Goblet of Fire would choose me out of all the other people. If I did put my name in I'd want to be sure I'd win. I'm really competitive and I hate losing. I strive to be the best at everything that I do. But sometimes, my best isn't as good as other people's best.
10. What do you believe is the greatest weapon you possess? How, why, and when would you use it?
Hmm, the greatest weapon I posses? The ability to be mean and just not care. I do it so often. If people are annoying me I'll say something outloud. Like today for example, these stupid girls kept laughing and laughing about stupid shit in chemistry and this one girl was like "hahahaha you're gonna make me snort" and then the other girl was like "haha!!! SNORT SNORT SNORT!" and I was just like "I REALLY DON'T THINK SNORTING IS THAT COOL OR FUNNY." I was sitting right next to them, though I didn't direct it at them. I guess you could say my meanness is more passive agressive. That was a really bad example. Whatever. I guess the point I'm making about being mean and apathetic is that I know it's bad. But I just don't care. APATHY people. Apathy.
11. Would you ever want to be a prefect? Heck yes I would love to be a prefect. Sadly enough, I know prefects are kind of infamous for being sticklers for the rules and general sycophants, but I'd like to prove that sterotype wrong. I'd want to be that new prefect, who everyone would say "Don't worry about Mandy, she's cool with almost everything. She'll keep you in line, but only to a degree." And it really doesn't hurt that the prefects are the top two boys and girls in their house.
12. What quality do you admire above all others? Do you feel that it is a quality you or the people you surround yourself with possess? As I've stated before, intelligence is the most important quality to me. It's actually one of the things I look for when looking for new friends. Since first grade I've been a part of what's called the "gifted program" it's an accelerated program for kids who found the normal curriculum unchallenging. So ever since the first grade I've been immersed in a learning geared environment. All of my friends I've made since first grade have had the same hunger for knowledge I have. I suppose, after six years of that the qualities just kind of stuck. It's a must for being around people. I can't stand the stupid ones.
13. What are the worst qualities that you believe a person can possess? Why do you feel this way?
Lack of ambition for sure. I hate those people who are content to live their poor lives, living in a trailor, siphoning money from the welfare office. Get off your lazy ass and do something!
14. If you were to look into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see?
I would see me with my degree in medicine, happily married with the man of my DREAMS, with three children, a big house, and my friends and family supporting us. I know the Mirror can't convey feelings but I'd like to feel joy, contentment, and love.
15. How many people do you consider true friends? What qualities do they have that are important to you? Why are they your friends? Overall, I think there's only about 10 people I really consider true friends. I have 3 best friends though. The number one quality that they have to have is intelligence. I just can't stand people who aren't as smart as myself. I get really annoyed and I'm super impatient. Sometimes I wonder if they just want to be my friend because I have the answers. But I tend to think there's always conspiracies within friendships. Another quality that my close friends need to posses is the same sense of humor as I do. It's no fun to have friends who can't laugh with you. I've had friends like that before and it never lasts. When I make a friend I intend to keep them for life.
16. What are your thoughts on Voldemort? Hmm, my thoughts on Voldemort? Well, he's the Hitler of the wizarding world basically. An insanely hypocritical man, whom, despite his handicaps is quite intelligent and a great modivational speeker. They both have their ideals, which neither one of them fit. I've always wondered what their followers thought, with all of their prejudices against a certain type of people, when their very leader, the one whom they look up to so much doesn't fit the requirements for the "superior race". Why would they still believe in all of that when they've seen the capabilities of someone who would normally be consitered inferior.
17. What do you think are your main 3 characteristics?
Sarcastic I think I'm one of those people who can be too sarcastic for their own good. It's gotten me in trouble in the past with teachers. Sarcasm is playing that I'm better than you game and I love it.
Weird/Silly I'm a weird kid. Simple as that. I have a really weird sense of humor and I love it. The things that go on in my mind are quite peculiar and twisted. It's probably my favorite part about me. My friend Kelsey and I have so much fun together because we just sit there and talk about "what if...blah blah blah happened." I think the reason I like this characteristic of mine so much is because I tend to fit into that typical high school girl, the way I dress, what kind of car I'm going to drive, my friends...and I guess me being weird and big fat nerd on the inside separates me from the norm. I dance to the beat of my own drummer, on the inside. I tend to say really strange things...
Judgemental Yep, that's me. I lack empathy to the fullest. People say bullies are bullies because they feel horrible inside or some crap like that, but with me, it's not that way. I suppose I could be consitered a bully. But only by the people who deserve it. I like to think that I'm better than other people. I honestly don't really know why, I think it just gives me satisfaction.
18. What house do you feel you belong in?I don't really know...I've taken quizes online and almost everyone says a different house. But you know how those house quizzes are, they ask you what your favorite color is, or stuff that's obvious to which house it belongs. The results are probably skewed.
19. "Blood or water" - Which is more important; friends or family?Friends and family, family are friends. I don't really thin there's a difference. Without one you don't have the other. You need blood and water in your body to survive. I couldn't live without my friends or my family.
20. How did you find out about us? (House points are given to users who refer you here.)Searched it.