Ch.. ch.. ch.. changes

Jul 25, 2010 09:22

Feeling kinda bad I haven't posted in a while but then never really seems liek anything to post about till I have things piled up.

School is going well, ok school is going very well.
I made the honor roll, which for someone who graduated in the bottom 5% of thier high school class is kinda a big deal. Granted I hated high school, didn't want to be there and had next to no friends equated to didn't give a shit.
My advanced forensics professor, Mark, has given myself and two of my friends from that class internships.
The internship work is kinda dragging, partly because I also work a fulltime job days and can't just go into the office to work. The office is only about 3 times the size of our bathroom, counting the tub.

Work is well... work.
Because it's summer and the kitchen that supplies me is cutting back hours I now have to drive over and pick up stuff everyday. I use to do it every couple of days but now I can't place orders big enough for last more then a day.

Other stuff
I'm now working a few nights a month as the doorman for the back room of the RamRod, Boston's last leather bar.There are times when it suck and people can't understand YOU DON'T WEAR FLIP FLOPS IN A LEATHERBAR, no I will not count your pocket book as leathergear, no white sneakers allowed, and if your wearing dark sneakers take your shirt off or your not getting in. There is part of me that misses the old day at the RR. The first time I got in it was packed, filled with leathermen. It was hot, is was dirty, and it was nasty with cigar smoke. That night I left with a huge wet spot in my jeans. Now most of the leathermen are gone and it's either not have a backroom or balance out who gets in so the bar makes money and bartenders back there can pay their bills.
One of my friends has been going to hang with me most nights I work and he looks so fracking hot in his leather vest I'd love to have him bend me over and show guys what you'r not allowed to do in the back :)
So best lines I've gotten from guys trying to get in...
"But my sandals are leather"
"I can't take off my shirt I haven't shaved"
"What if she takes off her shirt"
"Can I borrow your boots"
"Can I borrow your vest"
"What if I showed you my dick"
"Do you know who I am"

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