In the beginning of 2005...
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope
How old were you?: 14
What was your outlook on the world?: Sad, Procrastinaty, Lazy.....
How were you doing at school/your job?: Okay
What did you most look forward to?: Winter Recess!
Did you make New Year's Resolutions?: Nope!
What was your biggest worry?: Failing the.....MIDTERMS
Who was your best friend?: Marg.
What did you do with your spare time?: Read
What did you do for fun?: Read
In the middle of 2005-- the summer!
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope
Had your outlook on the world changed?: I had a really good time, kind of!
What did you spend your summer doing?: Spending every waking moment on three college campuses, hanging out upstate, you know how i do.
Did you get tan?: no, i dont think i'm....tannable?
Who'd you hang out with, mainly?: Myself
Did you go visit anywhere?: Sure, Syracuse and Niagara Falls
What was your biggest worry?: School coming back. Among other things.
What was the most fun event that happened?: hrmm.. not much?
And as the year drawns to an end...
Still got a significant other?: No, goddammit!
How old are you?: 15
What major changes have happened since the year began?: Self Actualization. Haha, no, just realizing that things ultimately have to change. Things have to shift, for the better and for worse.
Is your life any different from when it started this year?: Much
What thing that happened stands out in your mind?: The rise and fall of my social life. Haha
How have you changed?: Yep. I've gotten more cynical, and ultimately more depressed. But at least I have my sense of humor.
What was the most embarrassing moment?: dunno..
When was your lowest point?: Everything after summer
Are you happy with how the year went?: Am I ever happy with anything?
What thing would you change if you could?: ???
For 2006...
What do you plan to not do that you did this year?: Let outside factors control how I view myself.
Do you think it'll be better than this year?: Hopefully
Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year?: It could be
What do you plan to do next year?: Get closer to people I care about
What are your pre-New Year's resolutions?: ???
Who are you spending New Year's Eve with?: At home, con mi familia
And to wrap it up..
What one thing would you like to say as the year is almost done?: I'm sick. Haha