Title: Funny, in a certain light, how we all look the same
Chapter: (4/4) And I'll learn to get by, with little victories or Day Four
Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairings: ensemble, pairings include [deep breath]: Puck/Quinn, Finn/Rachel, Tina/Artie, Brittany/Santana, Will/Emma, Mercedes/Matt (squint and you'll see Will/Rachel, Finn/Brittany, Puck/
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Comments 15
I love this story. Congratulations on an amazing multi-chapter fic, and I'll look forward to reading more from you ;)
(And I love your icon. Btw.)
They are shadows across lockers and echoes down halls. They are lives unlived.
<3 loved it.
(Oh. And this is me letting you know that I'm slowly but surely reading your Puck/Tina fic. I wanted to post after every chapter, but I didn't want you inundated with it all my ramblings. So I'll just post one EPIC comment at the end. It's gorgeous though.)
I can't even pick favorite parts because it was all great. (Okay, I liked the Puck/Quinn stuff the best. But that's just me.) Although, once again, your Santana remains one of my favorite characterizations of anyone ever. The "We get it, you're old," and "It isn't a cake!". Ah. What I wouldn't give to see Naya say these things.
Awesome, awesome job. :)
And yeah, omgosh, Puck/Quinn has to rule all. HAS TO.
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