queenlyzard posted
a cute meme, and I've determined to do one of the questions in here each day, as a countdown. Aww.
Day three, question three:
3. When do you put up the tree?
For longer than I've been alive, and longer than my mom has known my da, mom has been going to Georgetown the last Sunday before Christmas in a big group of friends, to snark at the people doing last minute Christmas shopping, and eventually, to do their own last minute Christmas shopping.
For some reason, once us kids were born and old enough to help pick out good trees, this last Sunday became our official "lets go get a tree!" day. This is especially because we need to have the tree through New Years, if possible, since it's nice to have a pretty for New Years.
We decorate the tree starting the day we get it, and kinda going off and on for the next few days.
(And to catch up, Day's one and two, questions one and two)
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
*shrugs* The envorimentalist in me points out that gift bags are reusable, and therefore better and more practical. Nothing beats ripping off the wrapping paper, though.
Duct tape wrapping is kinda the bestthingever, though. Last year, all the presents I wrapped were wrapped in plain white butcher paper, which I then drew awesome pictures on. NTS: Ask mom if she still has those so I can scan 'em.
2. Real tree or Artificial?
Oh, real, totally, although again, the environmentalist in me complains. We get a real live tree, full of real live piney scent, and put a new bag in the vacuum cleaner, so that the rest of the year, there is a very faint scent of pine whenever we vacuum.
Vacuum is a funny looking word. I can accept that it has a double letter in it, but the double u thing is a little weird. I like it though!