The Trip and Back

Jun 28, 2023 11:45

What an incredible trip away! I swam in the lake, hit the beach, hiked 18km total in two days with 35,000 steps and even stood under a beautiful waterfall! I've never done that in my life! it was incredible to see my friends and their son; and it was even more wonderful that nothing hindered it. I got home early enough and worked from home Monday and Tuesday - albeit sore and burnt but worth every moment.

Part of my working from home was to do research and gather information on my driver's license.  Not the best news, and will have to drop about $2k more than anticipated but in the grand scheme, that's not a lot of money and the extra time I can handle.  It's not the worst news just not the best.  I'll figure it out swiftly.

I had a good cry last night - watching a show, this girl curled up against her partner in bed and I could almost "feel" how it felt to do that with Sunshine.  It broke my heart...I cried and then held my pillow.  Best I could do.

I emailed him the bike tune up schedule for the building today and it's doubtful he will say anything, but more importantly, I won't be responding if he did.  It's all irrelevant now.

I have bug bites in sensitive places and I had a really great time.  I was invited to a Caribbean party this morning and I am really excited to attend.  The Caribanna in Canada is like the New Orleans celebrations and I cannot WAIT.  I've never gone... I wait for my instructions on what to bring!

I can do this...fight on, right?
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