May 31, 2016 09:36
Tonight is the last night I stay in Oshawa. The movers screwed up and ended up not showing on Saturday, which meant Sunday was spent moving and Monday picking up pieces. I couldn't stay at my new place because of it. Not that I minded; I could be with Greg one more morning. He drove me to the train station for work this morning and is packing his stuff, and moving things to his new apartment. He's bringing things to my parents for me, and then tonight we will finish up and he'll drive me to Toronto. Where I will cry.
I am officially broke until Friday. When I say broke? if i had a negative balance, I would have money lol
I cry a lot now. But I am getting good at hiding it.
Bright side, my legs and arms are so bruised and sore I look exactly how I feel for once!