I Sorry! But I'm currently extremely disapointed in the US, everything from Bush/Carry to assholes who call you up and nock you off the internet just cause they wanna sell you new windshield wippers(fucking assholes they are).
In anycase I wont leave until I'm done wit collage, which is looking like it'll take a good 6 years. So no worries!
The attitude I was referring to was the "nuke Iraq" attitude, but let me just say that you won't find many countries better off than this one...That's why they all want to come here.
I don't mind if the country is poor, or having an economic depression, I just want OUT. Fundie Christians and presedents who would nuke Iraq just so their record looks good come election... Pisses me off.
Besides it's mostly Mexicans who are comming here, and they scare me. >.> <.
It's not just Mexicans. It just seems like that. CO is only one state out of fifty. There are all sorts of different people coming here. Russia, China, Iraq even.
Besides, if the country is poor, you'll eventually feel the effects if you decide to live there. It's not the best move ever.
Well it's not like anyone can even get a job here anyway... >.< Plus if I go into DNA research and Bush keeps with the Stem Cell laws... Well it just wouldn't work.
Yeah but it's the way I want to go, I'm already researching it for my term paper in DNA sci... Erm... Yeah... Well consitering I'll get mobbed by most of my friends maybe I wont. XD
Thanks, Sors. You make all of us pro-war people look good.
In anycase I wont leave until I'm done wit collage, which is looking like it'll take a good 6 years. So no worries!
I don't mind if the country is poor, or having an economic depression, I just want OUT. Fundie Christians and presedents who would nuke Iraq just so their record looks good come election... Pisses me off.
Besides it's mostly Mexicans who are comming here, and they scare me. >.>
Besides, if the country is poor, you'll eventually feel the effects if you decide to live there. It's not the best move ever.
Plus if I go into DNA research and Bush keeps with the Stem Cell laws... Well it just wouldn't work.
Well consitering I'll get mobbed by most of my friends maybe I wont. XD
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