You Make Me Wet

Oct 26, 2013 01:34

One Shot

Pairing: Merrikat
Rating: NC-17 (smut c;)
Disclaimer: I do not own Zack Merrick or Jack Barakat. As far as I know this never happened.
Summery: All Time Low sleeps at a hotel tonight, and it has a pool. Although it's closed, Zack and Jack manage to benefit from it.

A/N: Another fanfic that was requested on my tumblr. This took me so long to write guys, blegh writers block. I'm not sure if I really like it but I hope you guys do. And this is what happens if you let me do what I want, it's poolsex :3 English is not my first language. So sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors. I've found a beta reader though, but she's gonna start the next time I post something. Comment and you’ll make me very happy c:
my tumblr:

"O my god! This hotel has a fucking swimming pool!" Alex exclaimed when All Time Low and their crew entered the hotel lobby. The pool outside was clearly visible from the large windows in the building.
The singer ran up to the windows, quickly followed by Jack.

"Shit it's already closed," Alex cursed. This was actually quite logical because it was almost past midnight.

"Damn," Jack said as he went to stand next to the singer. "It would have been so cool to have sex in that."

"Keep your nighttime activities with Zack in the bedroom please," Alex said before walking back to the others. Jack shrugged it off before joining the others again too.

"You know your usual roommate," Matt said. "I don't have to explain this further, and I'm tired. Goodnight." The All Time Low tour manager handed the others their keys before walking off with Danny, who he was usually sharing rooms with.

"Goodnight!" Alex called behind him. "Don't make too much noise please," the singer said to Jack and Zack before unlocking the hotel room he was sharing with Rain.

After rolling his eyes, Zack unlocked his and Jack's door.

As soon as both boys had stepped inside, Zack pushed the younger boy against the door.

Jack groaned loud when Zack pushed his muscular body against his.

"I heard you and Alex talking," Zack growled low into the guitarist's ear. "Are you horny Jack?"

The younger boy moaned, it really turned him on when Zack spoke like that, and the older boy didn't speak very often in the first place.

Zack leaned in, connecting their lips. The kiss was less bruising and heated as Jack thought it would have been. It stated of soft and sweet, you could almost call it romantic. Jack wasn't the one to complain though, but quickly he started to get a bit impatient.

Jack wrapped his arms around Zack's neck, pulling him closer.

The older boy put his hands on the guitarist's hips, his fingers slipped underneath his shirt, longing to feel the hearth of the other's skin.
Zack licked at Jack's bottom lip while his hands glided up the other's back as he pulled him slightly away from the door.

Jack opened his mouth eagerly, letting the older boy's tongue in.
Now the kiss quickly started to heat up, both boys moaned while their tongues fought for dominance. Jack quickly gave up, he loved it when Zack was being really dominant.
Jack's fingers were twitching with the need to touch the other boy. He tugged lightly on the hair on the back of his boyfriend's neck as he moaned into the kiss.

Zack grabbed Jack's hip with one of his hands while the other pulled up the younger boy's leg. Jack quickly got the drift and wrapped his legs around The smaller boy's waist, he held on to the bassist's muscular shoulders, not breaking the kiss.
Zack carried him to the double bed, which was standing in the middle of the hotel room.
He dropped down onto the bed, pulling Jack on top of him and breaking the kiss.

The guitarist gave a little squeak, which quickly turned into a moan when Zack started grinding his hips.

"Fuck, Zack," he moaned, his legs trembling because of how needy he felt. "Please, I want you to fuck me in that pool."

Zack looked at the younger boy with a puzzled expression. "But... it's closed."

"I know," Jack said. "But I don't care, we can climb over the fence."

"I don't know," Zack highly doubted this. "What if we get caught?"

"Doesn't that make it more exiting?" Jack groaned into the older boy's ear. He pushed his hips downwards hard and Zack let out a little moan.

"You're such a naughty boy," the bassist said, smirking up at his boyfriend.

Both boys walked through the lobby very quietly. Constantly looking around if no one had seen them.
They got through a door which wasn't locked and let to a terrace outside.
They stepped into the warm July night. There was a little fence that separated the terrace from the pool.

Jack tugged Zack along by his arm. Smirking like a fifteen year old who was about to do something rebellious.
They climbed over the fence, Jack with a little help from Zack.

When they both stood on the other side, Zack attacked the younger boy's lips again. Jack kissed back hungrily, moaning into the bassists mouth.

"A-ahh... Zack," the younger boy moaned, breaking the kiss. He could already feel Zack's erection rub against his own erected dick through both of their jeans.

Zack quickly got rid of his shirt. His fingers fumbled with his jeans to get them off as quickly as possible. His underwear followed straight after.

Jack still stood unmoved, admiring his boyfriend's muscular body. His abs were still clearly visible in the moonlight and the light of the pool lights, and the smaller boy had his erection on full display now. Jack felt more blood rush to his cock. It had been a while since they last had sex like this. Quick blowjobs inside their bunks, but much time they never had on tour.

"Where're you waiting for, Jack?" Zack asked, raising an eyebrow at the younger.

Jack bit his lower lip, he locked eyes with Zack while he started to strip.
He began to undo his jeans, slowly sliding them down his legs.
Jack stepped out of his jeans, he glided his hands up his body seductively. His hands stopped at the collar of his shirt and he easily pulled it over his head.
Zack licked his lips at the sight of the younger boy, he had to make an effort to not touch himself because Jack was really turning him on right now.
The younger boy walked over to Zack, his hips swaying seductively. Jack was still in his boxers but his erection was clearly visible through the thin fabric.

He stopped a few inches away from the smaller boy. Zack grabbed he waistband of Jack's boxers, jerking him forwards against his own body.
Both boys groaned as their dicks rubbed together.
Jack was still wearing his boxers but Zack quickly pulled those down.
Jack traced the smaller boy's abs with his fingers. Zack moaned softly and goosebumps raised on the hot skin of his stomach.

The older of the two bit on the other's earlobe. "Let's go into that pool then," Zack half moaned into Jack's ear.

Jack let out a strangled squeak when Zack grabbed his hand and jumped into the pool, dragging the younger boy behind him.

The chilly water hit their skin and both boys gasped.

"Fuck it's cold," Jack spoke.

"Then let's heat it up in here," Zack said huskily as he stepped towards the younger boy.

Jack bit his lip, the way the other boy spoke really turned him on.
Zack lifted the guitarist's legs and wrapped them around his waist before connecting their lips again.

The kiss was rough and wet, with too much teeth and just not enough tongue, but to both of them it was perfect.

Zack started walking to where the water level was about mid-chest. He pushed Jack against the side of the pool and bucked his hips roughly forward.
Jack broke the kiss as his head felt back and he let out a loud moan. His toes curled and his fingers dug into the other's skin.

"Zack, p-please," he groaned. He grabbed the smaller boy's wrist and guided his hand to his entrance.

Jack tried to speed things up a bit because otherwise his dick might fall off.

But Zack had other plans. He lifted the younger boy up and out of the pool. Zack pushed the guitarist down on his back and spread his legs, a wicked smile on his face.

Jack was about to question the other boy's motives, but then he felt Zack's tongue lick at his entrance. He moaned loud and his fingers tangled in the bassist's short brown hair.
Zack smiled, he put his hands on Jack's ass cheeks and spread them so he could push his tongue inside.

"F-fuck!" Jack was grinding his hips down onto the smaller boy's face. "Oh my g-god!"

Zack pushed a finger in with his tongue. He curled it upwards and tried to find the younger boy's prostate.
Jack angled his own hips and the other boy's finger brushed over that sensitive spot inside him. His hips bucked all the way off the ground. The guitarist's eyes widened and his mouth fell open in a silent gasp.

Zack pushed in a second finger and pulled his tongue out, now attaching his lips to Jack's inner thigh.
The smaller boy curled and uncurled his fingers, scissoring and stretching the younger boy. This drove Jack crazy, he wriggled and arched into his boyfriend's touch while he was trying to keep his hands off his pulsing dick.

"F-fuck Zack... P-please," he moaned.

Zack quickly pushed in a third finger and stretched them before pulling out and dragging the other boy back into the water.

Jack gasped at the cold tingling sensation the water gave to his body. Zack pressed the younger boy roughly against the side of the pool. Jack groaned as their dicks rubbed together. He quickly wrapped his legs around the smaller boy's waist before kissing him deeply. Jack put all his want for the other into the kiss, basically begging Zack to take him.

It was like both of them were able to through telepathy, because just a few seconds later Zack grabbed Jack's hips to keep him still as he slowly pushed inside.
Jack broke the kiss and groaned deep in his throat, rocking his hips immediately downwards.

"M-move... Zack p-please," he moaned desperately, his eyebrows frowned upwards and his legs twitching.

Zack moved his hips, but only slightly, grinding them in dirty circles.

The younger boy let out a needy whine, clawing at the other boy's back and trying to push his hips downwards. Zack had a too strong hold on him though and kept grinding in slow circles, a smug smile on his face.

"Z-Zack, shit... A-ahh," Jack moaned. "Please, p-please."

"Please what, Jack?" Zack said, he stopped moving his hips completely. Jack bit his lips and frowned in frustration. "Beg for it," the bassist said, a growling tone in his voice, before attacking the other boy's neck with his lips and teeth.

"Zack please... Fuck me p-please," Jack whined. He knew this wouldn't be enough for the smaller boy but he didn't want to loose all of his dignity. "F-fuck me like the slut I am." He tried to grind his hips down again but Zack had a too firm hold on them.

The smaller boy was looking at Jack with a wicked grin, he really enjoyed watching the younger boy squirm.

Eventually Jack thought 'fuck it' and was prepared to loose the little bit of dignity he had left so Zack would finally move his god damn hips. "F-fuck me so hard I can feel it f-for days. Punish me for dragging you to this pool. Ple-"

Jack's speech was cut off by a moan when Zack pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into him. Jack's back arched against the bassist's chest when he slammed in again and hit his prostate.

They were both panting and because of the water splashing around them everything felt more intense and slow.
Zack's hips were thrusting at full power though, slamming Jack's tin frame into the poolside repeatedly. Jack was moaning every time the smaller boy's cock hit his prostate.

"Shit Jack," Zack groaned. He felt his hips starting to loose strength and the familiar heat burning in his stomach. His teeth were gritted together because his muscles fled like they were on fire.

"A-ahh," was all Jack managed to choke out, he was close too.

Zack stepped a bit backwards, pulling Jack away from the side of the pool. The younger groaned in protest, he felt like he was going to fall backwards in the water. Jack quickly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck so they wouldn't drift apart.
Zack kept thrusting into the other boy, he pulled Jack's hips downwards onto his own with every thrust.

"Aaah... Zack I-I'm almost..." Jack felt his dick twitch and bit down on the smaller boy's neck.

Zack groaned and thrusted his hips forward slightly rougher, his cock hitting the younger boy's prostate dead on.

"Zack! F-fuck, touch me," Jack moaned loud while his head felt back.

The bassist tried to get a hand between the both of them, but because of the water their hips didn't manage to stay together.
"F-fuck," Zack groaned, also in frustration.

Jack moaned loud, he wrapped his arms tighter around the smaller boy in order to pull him even closer, his cock was now rubbing against Zack's stomach.

"Z-Zack, I'm close... A-ahh," the youngest moaned needy, grinding his hips down with a bit more force.

Zack thrusted a few more times roughly into him, before Jack came with a loud cry of his boyfriend's name. His heals pressed into the other boy's lower back, he felt his dick twitch before be released in the water. For some reason the water made Jack's orgasm feel more intense and left him gasping for breath.

"Jack s-shit," Zack groaned as the guitarist clenched around him. He bit down on Jack's shoulder before coming inside the younger boy.
Jack groaned at the feeling and laid his head down on the smaller boy's shoulder. Zack thrusted himself through his orgasm, his muscles literally on fire and he felt his vision black out a bit.

They stood like this in the pool for a while, Zack hadn't pulled out jet.
They held each other close and when they had caught their breath a bit Jack kissed the other boy softly.

"I love you, this was amazing," Jack said when he pulled away.

"I love you too." Zack pulled his already softening cock out so Jack could stand on his own feet again.

"Shit! We didn't bring any towels," Zack cursed when they'd both climbed out off the pool. He turned to face the younger boy.
Jack was standing hunched slightly forward and his legs felt weak at the knees.

"We can just use our clothes," Jack replied, shrugging.

Both boys quickly dried themselves with their shirts so they weren't dripping wet anymore. Zack helped Jack to climb back over the fence, seeing he was a bit sore.
They quietly walked through the hotel lobby and the hallway of the second floor where their room was. They both hadn't bothered to put their clothes on so they really hoped no one would see them.

When they reached the door Zack fumbled with his jeans to get the keys out.

When he finally unlocked the door, both boys dropped their clothes somewhere on the way and felt down on the bed.

As soon as Jack's head hit the pillow his eyes started to drift close. Zack pulled him to his chest and pulled the covers over them.

"Someone's probably gonna find cum in the pool now," he said, stroking Jack's still wet hair.

Jack nodded, he closed his eyes and snuggled further into the other boy's warmth.

"Goodnight Jack. I love you," Zack said before kissing the other's cheek.

Jack mumbled something that sounded like 'love you too' and drifted to sleep afterwards.

Zack closed his own eyes too and with a satisfied smile on his lips he also fell asleep.

merrikat, rimming, dom!zack, one shot, bottom!jack, top!zack, jack barakat and zack merrick, pool smut, jack barakat, poolsex, smut, jack and zack, all time low, nc-17, zack merrick, standalone, pool sex

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