all about joan

Jul 09, 2006 15:23

1. My bedside table is littered with... makeup, dried contact lens solution, tissues and cottonbuds

2. I never leave home without... my wallet, keys and vaseline

4. If I was rich I would... wake up heh or i'd donate 15% to charity and spend the rest on clothes/jewellery

5. Life is empty without... purpose, friends, love, yummy food, MP3s

6. I'll never get sick of... gazing into cawer's eyes. seriously, you should all try it one day!

7. I love to hate... the OC, even though I know the name and history of every character in the show

8. I wish I could be... good enough

9. The world would be a better place without... greed, fanatacism and britney spears

10. Life is too short to... worry about what other people think

My perfect...
11. partner: someone who's kind, funny, easygoing, loving and understands me. or maybe just cawer ;)
12. house: spacious, multiple rooms with different themes, automatically cleans itself, and a beautiful garden that waters and trims itself
13. job: designing a range of supermarket healthfoods
16. Sunday morning: lazing on a picnic mat in a sunny park... must buy a picnic mat

18. food: choooocolate
19. drink: new zealand's mint cappuchillo
20. movie: attila the hun
21. TV show: roar
23. hero: those manly dreadlocked predators from alien vs predator... damn they're sexy (until they take their helmets off)
24. music: too much
26. person: cawbie

Things that I...
27. will never forget: seeing the tea party live
28. regret: not making the most of opportunities; acting like my mother
29. don't regret but should: being silly at parties heehee
30. wish I could change: my lack of eyelids/eyelashes (lol i sound like such a freak)
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