I am feeling much better today. I had a rough night last night. Yes you have some blood with a vaginal birth, or I am assuming it was normal since the doc didn't seem to worried. I would have been home earlier and probibly not in such bad shape if the Nurses in the Postpartum were not so awful. If they had been checking my blood pressure every hour like they were suppose to they would have caught that I had low hemogloben, Plus when the nurse finally came in to help me into a show 7 hours later she said nothing about my bed being soaked in blood. Then the stupid little twit left me in the cold shower. I lost so much blood i was shaking to badly to walk myself and the hot water didn't work and the handle on the shower got stuck and no one could turn it off. That was the worst night I think. Then when they did a shift change 11 hours after birth i found out I was suppose to get pain medication! No one told me I could get pain meds! No one even told me about sitz baths either.