That's downtown yesterday. That big building on the right....that's my Jr. High school. The building next to it with the black roof is the library.
They were talking about Findlay on the Weather channel, CBS Nightly News (you know it has to be big if it's on a national news show). Supposedly this is the biggest flood we've had since 1913. My sister Kelly (not the one I stayed with, the other one) and her family had to be evacuated. The park across the street from her house is basically a lake now. The place where my parents work is under water.On all of the news shows that showed the flood here, they showed a van that was stuck on the bridge over the river. And all you could see was the very top of the windows of the van. Think about how big vans are and how high just the top of the windows are. That should give you an idea about how much flooding is going on.
One of the churches and one of the hotels that people were being evacuated to became flooded so they had to evacuate everyone someplace else. There is a new club downtown, and the water came in so fast and hard that when it filled the basement of this place, it actually pushed up on the floor from underneath and pushed over a pool table.
Found out that my aunt Sally was able to get out and go to her daughters house. But now around her daughters house it's flooded.
It's not that bad now on my end of town. But if you want to go from the north end of town to the south, or vice versa, you have to take the highway and go ALLLLL the way around.
Floods are a pain in the ass.