Trying to research my Horror and Fantasy essay isn't going so well at the minute, so I thought I'd pass by and share a bit of news.
In terms of life's happenings, it's my last week of the Spring semester! (^^;;) I'm moving back home for 4 weeks for my Easter holiday. Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that; I've been so overcome with stress since Christmas and it's about time I had a little time to myself.
I have LOADS of plans;
1) To get my hair cut and dyed a brighter shade of blonde! At the minute I look like Chewbacca and that is certainly not good. It's too expensive to get my hair cut here in Lincoln (about £23 for a trim!! And that's WITH student discount!! D<) so my lovely hairdresser back in the village does it for me for a whole lot less, plus my natural blonde is too boring and I'd kinda like a brighter, more ashier look without looking too fake sooooo I am SO excited for that (^^;;)
2) To get my Dir en Grey tattoo touched up ^^ My arm was too sore last time so I thought I'd just leave it to a later date. I've hated walking around with some of the symbols looking wrong when they only need a few lines inserting here and there. I is terrible for catching the scabs too bwahaha~!
3) Start designing my next GazettE tattoo~! Mum has given me the ALL CLEAR! *fist pump*
4) Start my next essay and decide what I want to do for my 10,000 word dissertation (^o^*)
It's been REALLY annoying me lately. GazettE fans in particular; that and people in general (><;)
Gahhhhh~ don't get me started (_ _)"
My "Byou" jumper arrived yesterday!!! (^o^*)
Does it look okay?? *runs and hides* Hehe~~ Well I know Byou will pull it off better than me xDDD
But that made me happy ^^" I treated myself to a new top too; and I've ordered a leopard print scarf for the SCREW concert in London in May (^^;;) That's due this week so I'm really excited for that too!! That and Mum's other Mother's Day present should get here this week (^^*) For once, I actually thought I'd screw money troubles for the minute. It's turning me into a paranoid wreck D<
Aaaanyways, I should try and get on with some work; I'm SO ready for a holiday, you've no idea. I'm still stressed at this very minute. (>////////////////<) Bring on Saturday! Seriously, it couldn't come any sooner!!
Imma try and write more over the holidays too ~ I have another Mao x Kyo brooding in my mind somewhere and I'm going to finish the sequel to "New Revelations" too (^3^)
Hope you're all doing gooooooooooooooood! (^3^)
Sayounara for now!!