Oct 18, 2004 23:11
Ok. So I watched Raw. For the first time in a year or so. Good lord.
That Snitzky guy? Looks like he had his mouch punched with a brick. Repeatedly. Ew.
And Lita still whines.
The debate? I knew it would be bad. Wasn't as bad as i thought, though. Meh.
Womens match -- bad, as usual. Trish, put your boobs back. And Victoria is a beast.
Ric Flair/Orton thing. My god do I not like Orton. I used to think he's ok, but I"m sorry, to me, he does NOT deserve the "Legend Killer" attached to his name. No no. Batista is a freak. Jericho still has the best chops going, but he looks like he's losing "it". Hair -- GROW IT BACK OK. And Flair looks AWFUL, jesus. I mean BAD. And the Batista/Y2J bear hug, I can see slash fans flipping out. Though it was rather obvious Jerky was telling him something...special? Ha.
Side note: YAY FINLAND!
Vince, can you swagger to the ring with a stick FURTHER UP YOUR ASS. Power walk. Whatever, JR.
Christian has good music ^_^ Sorta.
WTF. Christian Coalition? No thanks.
Captain Charisma? You're going downhill buddy.
Vince group hug? Never thought I'd see the day. Still, very disturbing on multiple levels.
I wasn't aware that Coach actuall WRESTLES now.........???
I still love Rhyno.... GORE GORE GORE. And I do believe that's the first time I've ever said thank you to Vince when he told Christian to shut up. O_o
It was at this point during the six man elimination (which I saw coming -- after a year, you'dthink I'd forget, but no, the writers are as predictable as ever) that my cats start wrestling on the floor.
Did like the Christian/Shelton showcase though. Quite like Shelton now kthx.
I'm sorry, but does anyone listen to Dane Cook? The face Edge is making in the still promo for the voting reminds me of Dane telling his joke about his masturbating in the womb with a baby mexican accent. I think you'd have to hear it to get it......
YOWZERS can we say TRASH?! Christy looks like a vampy, trashy, slutty Trish with red hair. EW. But then, the "easy" look is what male WWE fans seem to go for...? And Carmella has obviously had a gigantuous boob job and SUCKS on the mic.
What. The hell. Is HBK wearing on his chaps, and that excuse for a vest? I want to cut it. And I think Edge took a nap during the match, seeing as how he disappeared for a good, oh...3 minutes?
And for the LOVE OF GOD why did they go back to his old music??? He needs the Zombie one back, or at least get something else. That one is OLDDDD......