AUGH. I have had this splitting headache for the past what, 2 weeks? Flaming hurricanes, I wish they'd all go away. The weather pattern is murder on my head. (And of course, when I HAVE said headache, who is it I decide to listen to, but a black metal REALLY HEAVY band. x_x)
Some people... ok, so I was standing in line at Subway today cos I had 45 minutes to kill before class after work. So I'm minding my own business (in black cargoish pants and a plain lime green vneck tshirt. Ok? Nothing spectacular.) and these two girls that couldn't have been more than 16 take turns turning around and looking at me. And I'm like, wtf do you want.... God help you, you can see one of my tattoos and its going to JUMPOFFMYSKINANDEATYOU. I HATE people. I REALLY do.
There was no point to that other than the fact that it annoyed me greatly.
Class was... well...pointless? We got there, sat for a couple minutes and then the assistant something or another came in and told us that we were going to get the syllabus, have a go at introductions, and then go. We had to have the first chapter read by next week, when our professor would be there -- absent tonight since his wife decided that the first day of class would be a good day to have the kid. *shrug* Ok with me, I'm utterly exhausted....Should prove to be an interesting class, though, there's only 8 or 10 of us, so it will be nice one on one time. Yay for me.
Work.....feh. Our IT Manager (which, conveniently enough, is what I'm going back to school for), decided not to show up again today. He was called in yesterday and never showed, and today he called in and instead of putting him through to my boss like he wanted, I put him through to the VP of the company who is already pissed at him *oops* No idea how long he'll be there for, at this rate.
My coworker is getting snarky, too. When we document driver paperwork, there are some things we have to circle or something so when we scan them into the system, we can code and index them correctly. Well, no big deal, and she did it with a highlighter. Problem? It doesn't show up on the scanned image. So, when I got to the batch that she had done with a highlighter, I stared at the screen for a minute thinking she didn't do something, checked the batch and found that she did, and then said....
"Hey, when you do the PNs...." (interrupted and snarky)
"Competely circle the thing?" (full with snarky facial expression)
"No, just whatever pen you used, it doesn't show up on the scanner, so I don't know what you circled, that's all." (*proceeds to pull hair*)
She's flipped out on me for correcting her when saying names or something, which, I'll admit, I have a horrid habit of doing, but I was an English major before I dropped out and always proofread and was asked how to say stuff, so.. yeah. It's second nature and I don't even think about it. But, when she says "Hoosier" when the name is (and is spelled) "Houser", I don't know who the fuck she's talking about, so I say the name correctly, not thinking, so I know who she's talking about next time she says "Hoosier". Fuckin a, woman, it's nothing PERSONAL, I'm just trying to figure out who the hell you're talking about. "WHY do you always CORRECT ME?! I'm SORRY if I don't know how to say things, I didn't graduate high school!"
Well lookie here, chick, that ain't my problem, you're the one that fucked yourself over on drugs and shit, I don't want to hear about it. ARGH. I like her, I do, but at triple arms length distance, ya know? I'd NEVER be friends with her outside of work. EVER. We just don't travel in the same circles. I hate fake work friendships. At least Fred knows we hate him at work, but are fine with him outside of work. With the exception of politics, Fred and I will go at each other's throat. He likes Dubbya, I think they all should be shot mass execution style and we should go all medieval or something.
Moving on....
I don't think I'm going to get the filly I went and looked at this past weekend. She's totally cool, but I think I'll be better just going up there and riding (she pays $10 a ride and if she wants me up there, I'll be riding 5-6 horses a day and showing them to people to buy, twice a week, so that's anywhere from 50-120 a week. Yay for extra money!).
I've been on an obnoxious icon making kick, most of them are over at greatestjournal, cos HELLO you get 1000 icons?! And I'm an icon whore? Yes. LJ needs to get with the times, y0. Wordlife.
Haha, what's Cena up to nowadays, anyway.........
Geh, ok, I'm out, I need to do something productive like... stare at the wall or something.....
Upon discussing
this picture of the guitarist of Dimmu Borgir (who I do like, don't get me wrong....)....Please observe his stance.
thieving hermes: clearly that was one of the [satan] spawn gone horribly wrong
Circle0fSorrow: yeah, apparently.
Circle0fSorrow: must have had some holy water spilled on him or something.
thieving hermes: HAHA oh man i'm cracking up
Circle0fSorrow: LOL