wearing my mourning black [death of a young woman]

Nov 21, 2006 15:31

After a mellow morning, bath, food network, cuddled up on M's couch under blankies i check up on the internets. Alone in this living room i am barely getting to know i find out that a good girlfriend of mine died at the age of 26 this past Sunday. I dont know anymore information other than her death. There was a short obituary in the newspaper telling the time of her memorial and not much else. What else can i do but feel empty, cry and mourn the passing of a woman i loved from the first moment i met her no more than 2 years ago. We never knew one another deeply, but there was a kindredness. You know when you meet someone and just click.

Bryn was this beautiful, vivacious, kinda nerdy partner in crime. The last time i saw her we had gone dancing at the local "gay" bar and she brought me that one drink that was too much. It was free, it was in a pint glass and it was red. Gawd, Bryn was wonderful and i didnt know her nearly well enough, didnt get enough time with her on this earth, during this lifetime.

I will miss you, Bryn.
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