[Onorata History]

Jul 18, 2020 10:10

Not much is known about the Joker. No one knows where he came from. He just showed up one day and began wreaking havoc, not in his own tiny corner of the city, but in all of it. Only a minor, yet unknown gangster, he still refuses to pledge allegiance to anyone and instead acts like he’s already at the top of the food chain, going out of his way to blackmail other, more powerful figures into working for him.

If he plays by a set of rules, it’s that he refuses to play by any at all. He kills and destroys and twists so that he can watch people react, not so that he can gain anything monetary. He loves to bring out the desperation in people, often pitting them against each other in games that will make them choose between their life and someone else’s. And when they’re finished, he laughs and moves on. He invests nothing more in people but their entertainment value; if he finds you interesting, you live long enough for him to have a good laugh, and then you die.

He has no friends; he doesn’t want or need them. He hires people to work for him, but only because it’s impossible to do some things alone, and once their usefulness has expired he often disposes of them. Everyone who deals with him is intimidated by the twisted way he speaks and the appearance of white, black, and red makeup on his face, covering up the scars stretching out from either side of his mouth.

How he got those scars is unknown. Why he acts the way he does is unknown. He hasn’t pulled off anything big yet, so his reputation is still somewhat under the table, but he plans to work his way up the criminal ladder until someone notices him, because games are never any fun without spectators to cheer and boo you on.

He doesn’t consider his past especially tragic or unusual. He doesn’t, in fact, consider his past much at all. He is who he is because he is, and that’s that. Anyone trying to find reason or motive in the things he does will only come up short, because there is none. He chose his name, face paint, and calling card to represent his disregard for the orderly, mundane side of life. His job is to mock the monarchs of the world, bring them down to a more human level, and he goes about it by any means possible. He’s a homicidal maniac with no relevant past and no plans for a future, and that’s all he’ll continue to be.


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