Feb 25, 2012 12:32
- Splitting the Atom - Sherlock BBC - Sherlock/John
Sherlock can't find the empirical evidence to prove that John will never leave him, and he can't trust on sentiment. Lyrical and perfectly in-character, with a fantastic ending.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:sherlockbbc pairing:sherlock/john )
- oh two hundred - Star Trek Reboot - Spock/Uhura, gen
Short but fantastic piece about Uhura being awesome. That is all you need to know.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:trekreboot gen pairing:spock/uhura )
- All Those People That You Know - Generation Kill - Brate/Nate
If you ask any of the men where Nate Fick came from, they'll say, I dunno. He's always been there.
Oh man, so creepy. This isn't Nate's first war, and it isn't going to be his last. It takes a minute to figure out where it's going, but it's a rough shiver down your spine when you do.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:generationkill pairing:brad/nate )
- But It's a Good Refrain - Merlin - Arthur/Merlin
Adorable modern AU where Merlin runs a late-night radio show and Arthur's ex calls in to complain about him one night. Arthur calls back to defend himself, and things get... out of hand. This is absolutely charming in a low-key sort of way, I was smiling all the way through.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:merlin pairing:arthur/merlin au:otherlife )
- A Fool Would Not Know What to do with a Heart if He Had One - Tin Man - Cain/Glitch
In which the battle is over and everyone is starting over, but Cain isn't settling in to his new life all that comfortably, and he sure as hell doesn't know what to do with Ambrose. A great, longish story, but somehow my favorite parts were DG's shameless intrusion on Cain's personal space all the time.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:tinman pairing:cain/glitch )
- Escape Artistry - DCU Toonverse - Bruce/Diana
So Diana's fatal weakness is that if she's bound by man, she loses all of her powers. When Batman discovers this fact he offers to teach her how to get herself free. Man, there was nothing I didn't like about this story. Diana was fantastic, the warrior princess I know and love, wiser than people give her credit for and totally indomitable, and her interactions with Bruce were fucking amazing. So many complicated dynamics, just barely below the surface, and the sexual tension was kind of unbelievable at times. And the ending... let's just say I didn't see it coming, in the best way possible. Wow.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:dcutoon pairing:bruce/diana )
- this is not my ninja shirt - Avengers - Clint/Darcy
In which Darcy is sent undercover to apprehend the sleazeball she blew off at the bar the other night, and Clint is less than thrilled about this turn of events. Adorable.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:avengers pairing:clint/darcy )
- The story of ink - Sherlock BBC - Sherlock/John
In which John is the painter who moves in to the other apartment, and Sherlock gets kind of used to having him there. A lot used to it. Kind of dependent on it, really. God this was so cute it was like rolling around with puppies.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:sherlockbbc pairing:sherlock/john au:canonchange )
- Après moi le deluge - Generation Kill - Brad/Nate
In which they come back from the war with a soulbond. This is probably one of the better treatments of this trope I've ever seen, in that they don't know what's going on, they never do figure out why, and they can't just put their lives aside to cater to this new thing: they just have to keep pushing on through. And yet the ways they do and don't manage to cope, the compromises that they reach... This is a very moving story, actually. More romantic than I thought until a little while after I'd finished reading it.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:generationkill pairing:brad/nate )
- The Case of the Senator's Son - Avengers - Steve/Tony
Adorable NCIS fusion in which Tony is Tony, Steve is the rookie, Natasha terrifies everybody, and everyone but Steve knows that Tony pretty much wants to marry him. So cute.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:avengers pairing:steve/tony au:onlyhuman au:otherlife )
- Break - Star Trek Reboot - Spock/Uhura
I've read a lot of fantastic how-they-got-together stories for this pairing, but this one might officially be my favorite. Uhura requests help from Spock for her linguistics thesis, Spock requires her help as TA for an unexpectedly assigned class, and slowly, oh-so-slowly, their formal time bleeds into informal time and both of them become aware that their feelings are not merely platonic. This story is a fantastic characterization of both of them, but particularly Uhura: ambitious and driven but trying to find a balance and not forget her life. And their determination to keep a lid on their respective feelings was really moving and well-done. Seriously, just fantastic in every way.
(tags: 2'12 fandom:trekreboot pairing:spock/uhura )
- Why doesn't anybody use social media on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?
Interesting examination of the ways that the Trek utopia already seem dated by new technology and new social patterns that have developed. I'm not sure that I agree with all of it- but if nothing else, the stuff about free time resonates a lot.
(tags: fannish meta )
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fandom: sherlock bbc