Title: Momentary Solace
Author: Sorrel
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: genish, but emotionally can be read as Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,336
Summary: Castiel takes an evening out of his busy schedule of hunting for God to visit the Winchester sisters. There is some talking, and then possibly some cuddling, not that Diana will ever admit it.
Notes: This is a sort of prequelish thing to a complete genderbender series that I want to write, where all of the non-angel main characters are girls. This is a total standalone snippet, just me sort of feeling my way into that universe before I dive in properly.
Other notes: The title comes from the song "Disappearing Man" by Dave Carter and Tracey Grammar. Long now he's borne his heavy armor resting/ Only in his sorrows and his noble-nosed regrets/ Some light, some momentary solace/ And he'll ride off gay and lawless as the moment that you met."
The story can be found
at my dreamwidth account or
on AO3, and comments can be left at either place, or would be welcomed here.