I just got all of my stuff uploaded on AO3, so I thought that this would be a great time to do this meme. Snagged from
The B-Side Meme:
Musicians know when they have an A-side song and when they have a B-side. It's not that the A-side is better. It's just that the A-side has a certain kind of hook, a certain arc, a quality they know will grab people. A signature sound.
The B-side song is that one that's a little weird. A little soft. One that sneaks up on you. Or isn't like what you usually do.
We all have our A-side stories. Our novel-length fics. Our signature pairing and styles.
If you see this meme, post a few of your B-sides.
Bone Deep.
"You know how they say you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your family? Well, that's crap."
First of all, because it's mostly gen, with some slash and het pairings incidental to the plot. Not really known for the gen stuff, let's be honest. And it's a huge ensemble piece; I tried to format it the way that the show did, switching between the different characters in different places until it all came together in the finale. I had so much plotting to do on this; you have no idea. I'm not sure it even really *feels* like my writing, though I pretty much lived and breathed that story for months. Also it's the longest thing I've completed to date, at almost 50k words.
The Cally!verse stories. In which Clark Kent is now Cally Kent, her relationship with Chloe is on the rocks, Lex is still a persistent suitor and only getting more charming with time, Batman is Batman, and Diana is always up for a little sisterly bonding.
I hesitate to include this, because it's genderswitch AU and that's most of what I write these days, but this one was different. It wasn't just a fun "what if?", it was also a sort of exploratory look at gender, and how much willpower can trump biology, and how growing up sometimes means that the things you want change, even if you don't want them to. In some ways it was about having a crisis of sexuality when you thought you were long past that sort of thing, only... not in the typical fandom sort of way. It was always a little weird.
Can't Take the Sky From Me. River had people when she got out, River had [crew], but Sam only had Dean.
This was a fusion between Supernatural and Firefly, with Sam as an even less fortunate victim of the Blue Sun folks, and Dean rescuing him. Writing in River's voice was one of the weirdest writing experiences I've ever had. I really loved the idea of it, though, River having a friend on the inside, and getting a chance to be the caretaker of *somebody* after Miranda, finally being able to turn the tables after all of Simon's fussing. It was a quiet sort of story though, and not really my usual style at all.
Old Wounds. Dark Angel, after "Hello, Goodbye." It's totally not my normal thing because a) it's completely gen, and b) it's completely an introspection piece, with no dialogue or action or *anything.* It's basically an episode tag, and with one or two exceptions I don't *do* those. I often set out to do those, and then get distracted and the story ends up like eighteen billion pages, and then it is a novel and not an episode tag. But with this story I managed it! And it's gen! And in a fandom I'd never written and have never written since. Definitely weird.