So... today sucked. I was running catering because I've always enjoyed it before and the catering guy is out of town, but apparently it's a lot more stressful when you're not just delivering one order that's not pre-packed for you. Who knew?
Basically, this ended in four deliveries in one hour that were all on opposite ends of the city (I know Richmond isn't that big, but I swear to god I hit every single red light, piece of bad traffic, and road work in the city), and I was running fifteen minutes late from the very beginning thanks to the fucking kitchen, and then I was twenty mintues late for my last order and pushing my gas tank and pushing my luck to get there in time... and ran out of gas on the side of the highway. Fail. They sent one of the cooks to get the food from me so they could take it on to the recipient (like a relay race!) but the order got cancelled anyway, and I had to call AAA to come save my stranded ass. Fail, fail, fail. (At least I made relatively decent money the rest of the weekend. For a change.)
Everything that I could possibly say about AmazonFail has already been said and by far more eloquent people than I, but as I see it now it looks like it's clearing up a little, and they're at least admitting their idiots even if they're still trying to weasel out of full culpability. It's more than I was really hoping for, to be honest. I think that I will probably still use the site, but only for their used book marketplace and to maintain an easy wishlist, at least until I have more assurance that there really isn't some widespread homophobic policy in place. In the meantime, I plan on using our local bookstore,
Creatures 'n Crooks, which needs the business anyway. Not a hardship!
Currently I am procrastinating on the massive pile of homework I have to do (massive, seriously) by going back through
my LJ fic archive page and slowly getting all my stories which are hosted on other communities and re-posting them to my own journal, backdated of course. I'm leaving them mostly intact, except for some formatting/header/tag issues, and putting links to the original post at the top so that I can go back and read comments. I've been meaning to do this for a long time anyway, but the timing seems fortuitous because of Dreamwidth.
Dreamwidth is another thing that everyone else has said everything better already, but I'll just say that I'm not jumping in whole-heartedly and I'm sure as hell not leaving lj, but when April 30th hits I'm gonna buy a month of paid time and see how things work for me. There seems to be some endless back-and-forth on this issue, but I, personally, like the separation between "watch" and "trust," as I loathe dealing with filters with the fire of a thousand suns. More than that, though, I like the idea of getting in on the ground up, not just with a new site but with a new community. I've already joined a bunch of new comms and am looking forward to getting involved there before everything gets too big and intimidating for me to speak up, which is something that I have a problem with a lot of the time. I don't know yet, but I'm thinking it likely that I'll probably mostly use DW for communities, just as I mostly use JF for wank, and LJ for the journals of fandom writers I like and download comms. I don't have to have everything in one place! In fact, I kind of like having a bunch of different blogs to keep track of, especially when there are so many cool ways to keep track of everything, like the "track this" button and feeds and things.
...There is a sticky on the bottom right corner of my screen that says "Aquinas is waiting for yoooouuuu." Maybe I should go do homework now? Or go to bed, since I've been up since five-freaking-thirty in the morning. And I am not a morning person.