I've been mostly staying out of the whole, fanhistory/Laura Hale/fan outing conglomerate of wank. Which isn't to say that I haven't been reading religiously, because all told I've probably lost five hours or more to various posts, but I haven't been commenting because I like my wank at a nice safe distance, even when I agree with the majority opinion.
This post got my attention more than others, because it outlined one of the underlying principles of fandom that has made this wank get so huge.
"But every once in a while--and it is generally a very long while--someone takes an action that goes Too Far, even for the most unflappable fans. The unforgivable act usually involves one of three things: (1) Privacy; (2) Credit; or (3) Profit. If a fan violates another fan's privacy (posting private email without permission, hacking email, posting real name or contact information, contacting an employer, contacting an ISP to get them in trouble for copyright violations), steals another's credit (plagiarism or clip-theft or failing to credit an icon), or tries to profit directly off fan activity (selling fic on Amazon, asking for money so she can stay home and write) -- these are the things that violate the terms of the fannish social contract. We give credit; we work for free; we respect pseudonymity."
Privacy. Credit. Profit. Someone should include this in a primer for New Fans, because that really gets to the heart of things.
ETA: Totally forgot to link this last night, but I broke my Porn Battle virginity
here. DCU/Iron Man, girl!Clark/Tony Stark, prompt: can't get drunk. Shoehorned into
this universe.