So, it's that time of the month. Not, not *that* time. The other- nevermind, I think I'm confusing myself already. Too much spaghetti. I am in a pasta coma.
Yeah, so I'm just gonna skip to the bit where I ramble about writing.
Writing count for the month of June.
6/9: 956 (I'm Your Country [If You Want Me])
6/17: 785 (Satellites)
6/18: 1,347 (Satellites)
6/24: 1,167 (Eight Years)
6/26: 1,425 (Eight Years)
1,815 (Untitled companion to Eight Years)
6/27: 360 (Untitled companion to Eight Years)
336 (Eight Years)
6/30: 604 (The Storm That I Believe In)
1,561 (Satellites)
Total: 10,020 words. Hah, made it, if just barely. And trust me when I say that I never would have made it even that far if it weren't for the fact that we've been slow at work and I've been doing a lot of writing on my order pad to keep from going insane with boredom. Not that it'd be a big leap.
Breakdown of projects worked upon this month:
I'm Your Country (If You Want Me) is still the Smallville AU that creeps me out, which is probably why I have so much damn trouble finishing the blasted thing, even though I have less than half a scene to go until the end. I will prevail, however. Yes, I will.
Satellites was started because I sat down and watched all of Queer As Folk (UK), and then watched it again, and then went looking for fanfic. And despite the fact that I found a whole lot of stories that I really, really loved, I didn't find the one post-series story I was looking for. So, clearly, I had to write it myself. It's sort of an idle project, and I may break my own unwritten rule and start posting it in segments, but maybe not. We'll see.
Eight Years is the Stargate AU that has completely snowballed out of my control without me really noticing. I was like, hey, let me write a story in which McKay and Carter are completely switched. McKay can be the female Air Force Major Doctor on SG-1, and Carter can be the male asshole doctor that goes to Atlantis and is on Sheppard's team. And then I went, hey, wouldn't it be fun if this turned into a Jackson/McKay story? And I'm pretty sure that's where things got out of hand. Jesus, talk about the story that ate my brain. Consider the title, and you'll understand the magnitude of the damn thing.
The untitled companion story is Sheppard on Atlantis, missing his best friend since Basic, Colonel Meredith McKay, and wishing that she was there to deal with this shit instead of him. And wondering what McKay was talking about when she said Carter was an artist with her work, and learning the hard way. Look, don't judge me, I know I'm crazy, but goddamn it I'm totally in love with this AU already. Playing with the cascading changes in my head is just... fun, okay? It's fun.
And now I sound like a crazy person, so I'm just gonna back away slowly.
And of course, The Storm That I Believe In, which is part of that other brain-breakingly large genderswitch AU (other-other? Because I think the SPN one was first, and it's even larger. Maybe I should just stop writing the same damn concept for every single one of my fandoms. Or, okay, maybe not), the Cally Kent thing. Lex POV. I... know what the story should be, even have the basic ideas for the scenes sketched out, but it's like walking through quicksand getting it down. I don't know why it's so hard, but maybe I'm just having trouble getting into Lex's head in this. He'd not a bad guy, nor a bad guy gone good, he's just a vaguely amoral and incredibly powerful man who had the bad luck to fall in love with the world's greatest heroine, and then kind of stalked her for a few years till she started falling in love back. That's a character that I *love like hell,* but not one that's easy for me to... understand is the closest word I'm gonna get, I think. Connect with. It's not easy to get his words down on paper, because I'm not hearing his words all the clearly to begin with. Stalemate.
Anyway, I'm gonna stop rambling now and possibly go to bed, as my parents are bound to wake me up at the horrendously early hour of Sometime Before Noon. There's a reason I work the dinner shift, y'all. And it isn't because that's where you make the big bucks.