hp_beholder recs

Apr 29, 2011 14:43

I recently had a peek at the hp_beholder fest, and came away with two favourites that both feature Millicent Bulstrode.

What’s Cooking, author still anonymous
Rating: R
Pairing: Millicent/Dudley
Summary: Dudley’s gone a lot of places and done a lot of things that nobody expected him to do, but there are still surprises out there.
Word Count: ~3,000

This piece is my favourite of the fest so far - it’s both stylish and fun. As I read about Dudley and Millicent working in the entertainment industry (and Harry’s cameo reaction), I was impressed with the various implied distinctions between public appearances and private complexities. Dudley and Millicent each present just the right balance of popular appeal and acknowledged seriousness (as does the fic itself), but major and minor characters alike are colourful and convincing.

Reap What You Sew, author still anonymous
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Millicent/Hermione
Summary: When an old school nemesis re-enters Millicent’s life it gives her the opportunity to prove herself that she never thought she’d receive.
Word Count: ~12,000

This fic is sweet and happy and has pretty dresses. Somehow, even so, it’s not utter fluff or boring happy families. I really found it quite gratifying.

fandom: harry potter, i write collinses, humour

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