Drabble: Subtext

Mar 31, 2016 15:15

Pairing: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13 for implied Adult Themes
Word Count: 100
Content Notes: Literary implication; Top!Sherlock if you squint; British pronunciation of “arse” (if you squint); Sherlock just wants John to suck his coffee spoon (if you don’t squint)

Summary: Sherlock wants John to suck his coffee spoon

John Watson organised to go
And see his favourite band
But Sherlock blithely crashed his date
Declaring: “Understand;
Dear John, I trust you more than most,
Now, won’t you hold my hat?”

John Watson went to buy a bike
To ride down to the dock
But didn’t like a single one
The vendor had in stock
“Dear John,” said Sherlock, “why don’t you
Instead, come ride my coat-tails”

John Watson brought home groceries
And cleared the broken glass
Left strewn across the kitchen bench
(His flatshare was a farce)
“Dear John,” said Sherlock hungrily,
“Please let me take your apple”

fanwork: drabble, fandom: sherlock, character: john, ship: john/sherlock, character: sherlock, fanwork: poetry, humour

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