3x04 Disturbing Behaviour
The Good:
- Katherine being Elena
- Forwood (for those who don't know that's Caroline FORbes & Tyler LockWOOD)
- Damon being ...well, Damon
- Ric blowing up on Carol Lockwood and the Sheriff
- HRG err, I mean Bill, Caroline's gay father not compelled
- Rebecca calling Stefan's lie, I like her! (btw, she's Samara from PLL, needed to look that up...I'm slipping)
- the ending yay. I thought it would take a while to get back to Mystic Falls.
The Bad:
- I missed Bonnie the past 3 eps, but I really shouldn't have. Please writers, give her something to do.
- Damon being a dick to his bro, Ric. (on the other hand, how awesome was that neck snap? heh. it's been a long time Damon did anything Damon-ish)
- I never cared for Jeremy and Anna. sorry, never really cared about Jeremy however cut he is.
- too little Forwood
3x05 The Reckoning
OMFG. The first 30 minutes. OMFG.
The Good.
- Prank night, it was fun to see the TEENAGERS being teens for 5 minutes. Aw, Forwood.
- Klaus snapping Ty's neck, figuring out the twist. Aw, he's just lonely.
- Rebecca (or Rebekah?) became second fav bad girl vamp after Kat.
- DELENA. I think it was actually this ep that let me believe that it can be...
- Kat. no comment. I want her hair. and how hot was that car-kiss :)
- Damon banging up Jer, heh.
- Balthazar! I mean, Michael! Even that sounds Supernatural. I mean Sebastian Roché! who will play Michael the vampire vampire-hunter, yay.
The Bad:
- I get it, Bonnie and Matt are main cast. Their tie-in was lame and forced. Pease don't use them if you have not good story for them. And I just don't think the actors are on par with the rest of the cast.
- Plotholes: Klaus leaving Tyler, the first hybrid he successfully created O_O not taking Elena and her blood...
- the episode was freaking too short :P
3x06 Smells like teen spirit
Heh, I just got the title :)
The Good:
- Forwood! Tyler got serious when he realized he might lose Caroline. Pity about Rebekah. How did she get in without invitation???
- Delena! How sweet was Damon applying first aid?
- Ric and Elena training. Nice.
- Elena finally growing balls. Drunk!Elena also quite fun. Very Katherine actually.
- I so called the Michael drinking undead blood thing! (Like Cat from Night Huntress)
- I never liked Anna (or Vicky for that matter) but that was sweet :) And she got prettier :P
- Matt got his sis back for a second. Pity she's such a bitch. But then again, maybe I would do the same...being all alone kind of sucks.
- Mason! I got a shock, but I think I read a spoiler somewhere he would be back, so not that much shock. Should be fun :)
- Rebekah figuring out Damon. She's one smart Original Bitch. Damn. I like her.
- Bad!Stefan nice...blood bag and Twister.
The Bad:
- Tyler being sired?! Really? I want my Forwood okay.
- You know they are going to go the whole Stefan redemption road.
- Bonnie is a plot tool. so true.
- More Ric people! Poor guy: wife died, no vamp hunting at all, gfriend died, BFF killed him, car blown up, and no one even calls him by his name, Heh.