It is updating time! I have to start updating before reading my friend's page or I will NEVER get around to it!
Monday of last week was the Burlington Rotary Music Festival. I didn't win! Oh well. I came second (with 88% on one piece and 87% on the other), I had a good time and I feel like I learned something, and also heard some very inspirational playing. I was against two other people, an asian girl playing a grade 9 Handel Sonata, a grade 10 playing a piece by Taffanel, and I played an ARCT piece, also by Taffanel (Grande Fantaisie on themes from Mignon in case anyone cares). So obviously it's a pretty small festival since they had to combine three grades, which could have made it very difficult for the adjudicator, but I think the decision was obvious. The grade 9 had terrible technique and sound, and no feeling or musicality; her posture, however, was better than perfect. It was almost distracting. The grade 10 was AMAZING, I'm sure he will be famous one day, but I think (and the adjudicator as good as said) that he needs a life. He memorized his piece, and I asked him how long it took him and apparently it just comes naturally, which makes me kind of sad because I've tried really hard to memorize and I just can't do it. He had a really nice (but kind of small) sound, and made very few noticeable mistakes. His piece was a grade below mine, but it was still quite technically challenging and I was very impressed with how easy he made it look. One thing the adjudicator mentioned was that it is clear in the difference between my playing and his that I have been in love and he hasn't. Weird. But I think my playing has a lot more drama than his, whereas his is just kinda pretty and nice. Anyway, the guy was FIFTEEN!!! So yeah, I hope I don't run into him in any other festivals. :P
My parents, grandparents and aunt came to hear me and afterwards we went to the Great Wok, and then saw The Queen, which was interesting but boring at the same time.
On friday I went to Toronto to visit Katie R. There was a construction guy on the subway who tried to pick me up after telling me he spent his free time drinking on the subway for which he already had $3000 in fines, collection agencies calling him 5 times a day and threatening to send a lawyer after him, oh and he was about to drink a bottle of cough syrup. He also went on about Jesus and how if you believe in him and you ask for forgiveness you will go to heaven, otherwise you are going to hell. This was after I told him I was Buddhist. So this little pimple on the face of the earth is going to heaven, just because he believes in Jesus, and because he says he's sorry after he does bad things, and I'm going to hell? I doubt it. Anyway, so I came out at Spadina, wrong exit of course, couldn't find Katie but thanks to an ambulance passing her which I could see in the distance, I was able to head in the right direction. On my way I saw a crowd of people gathered around a guy sleeping (I think) in the middle of the street. Finally found Katie, and immediately this really tall guy starts talking gibberish at us and gets really close to Katie and starts saying what he wants to do to we walk away quickly and him and his friend start calling us man hating lesbians. According to Katie Toronto is not normally like that so I guess I'm just a crazy magnet or something. Anyway, we caught up over delicious japanese food, tried to go DDR at the Cat's Eye (or something) but it was closed, then went to a bar, where I tried some new and tasty shots (Crispy Crunch and Buttery Nipple). Then I had to go and I missed my train! NOOOOO. It was awful, I was so scared I would be stranded in toronto. But luckily there was a bus at 1:30, so I caught that back to Oakville and had to call my dad for a ride from the station. I felt guilty about that but he was really nice about it, I guess because I'm such a good little girl all the time. What? I aaaam.
Now Saturday...was a GOOD DAY! I went to my Celtic Music Club, which is so much fun. It's not very challenging but the music is great and the people are nice, and it's the only "ensemble" I'm in this year so I'm really glad I joined. By the way if anyone's interested just ask me about it, they're always looking for new members. Anyway, after it was over I stuck around a bit to talk to the guy who leads the group, and it turns out he's also the owner of the music school where we rehearse. We talked for a bit, and I somehow got up the courage to ask him if he was interested in hiring a flute teacher. He is! And he only expects gr. 8, and since I have my gr. 10 he was totally willing to hire me...except for one catch, which is that I don't know where I'm going to be next year. BUT he said that if I get into UofT and decide to go there, then he will train me and start advertising for flute students and I will have a very amazing happy happy job with no nasty fast-food juices!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!
I didn't go to school today. Wasn't feeling well, and figured it would be okay since I haven't missed a single minute of work or school this year. Which is a huge improvement from missing about half my classes last year and calling in sick for work about once a week. I might be exaggerating a little, but it was bad, and it's a lot better now. Something's not quite right with me though, I'm having lots of trouble eating; since saturday I've had about one meal a day, and even that has to be forced, because I just don't feel like eating. Today I actually had 2 and a half meals but I felt sick after all of them. Maybe I'm coming down with the flu, I don't know. I just hope it goes away on its own because I hate doctors.
Okay, here's where I say things that I'm afraid to say because I don't want to be judged, but I need to say them because if I am truthful here then I cannot lie to myself. Since quitting pot I have smoked:
-The day before Iron Maiden
-The day of Iron Maiden
-The 27th, 29th and 31st of October
-This Saturday and Sunday
That's seven times...well it's not completely out of control but it's not good. It's not that I think I should never do it again, but it's just so easy to make excuses that if I'm not careful I might end up doing it every day again, and that just wouldn't do. One thing that has definitely changed though: before, when I was a full-fledged pothead, I felt uncomfortable around people who didn't smoke pot, when I was stoned AND when I was sober. Now I feel like my social skills have returned and I can hang out with "normal" people and get along just fine, and then when I'm high I feel all awkward even with other stoners. I guess because my tolerance is so low, I can't think properly and I can't control my laughter and it just gets uncomfortable. It IS fun to do on the rare occasion in the right situation, but how often is too often? How can I keep it under control?
I promise myself that I will not get high this weekend.
I'm very excited for this weekend; Saturday I have celtic club in the morning and then it's Daniela's birthday party. She told me I couldn't spend money on her so I wrote her a song instead (cheesy, I know). So I will bring my flute and play it for her and she better like it! Cause I worked hard on it :P It is called "Ode to Daniela". Hmm, come to think of it I don't even know what "Ode" means. Perhaps I should check that out. Ah, shit, apparently it's a poem. My song has no lyrics so I guess I ought to change the name. But it's already printed out and everything.
Well I think I'm becoming a huge bore, so I'll shut up now. Till next time!
(Spread the love: