Aug 10, 2009 23:32
M and I cruised out to The Sound for a bit with a dear brother and sister because I needed to touch a large body of water. NOTOCON was full of awesomeness and I will write more on that later. As with most folks, you never truly get to get away from the unpleasant stuff that goes on in life, so Saturday found us a bit melancholy and a visit with The Big Blue Lady was in order.
Seattle is really very gray, at least it was during this trip and I am sure that contributed to the subtle invocation of silence that accompanied us on the drive. As we were arriving I found myself needing to scribble the words:
"Failure to hear a truth does not make it a lie."
Last night a Wise Brother contributed a few remarks to the closing reception and spoke these words:
"Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect, and to that end sin not against thyself. The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and willfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices." (Liber Librae, 15).
This may be one of my own greatest lessons, one that gives me the opportunity to examine its truth on a fairly regular and recurrent basis.
As another great and yet, under-celebrated sage, Utah Phillips used to say - "think about it."
Lastly, for the record, I have decided to come out from behind the veil a bit in the form of unlocked posts. It seems there are a few out there that seem to check if I've had something to say of any import or interest. I figure I'll accommodate that for awhile, just to make that whole forming an opinion thing a bit more, well...informed.
With that, I will leave you with one more of my favorite quotes, one given to me by a dear red-headed priestess extraordinaire down around Austin way...
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
- Rumi