Tumblr is a bad, bad place...

Mar 20, 2012 20:21

...If I have other places where I'm supposed to be posting. No, for real. This site sucks me in and says "LJ? You had an LJ?" And I'm like, "No, I have an...what were we talking about? I was sidetracked by the pretties." At which point Tumblr laughs maniacally and says, "Nothing...Oh look pictures of the Avengers."

It isn't nice. At all.

But I finally broke it's evil snare (for the moment, OMG what is wrong with me?!) to give an update on me, my life, and my writing.

So this is me and my life. I'm going home. I'm looking for jobs around my home town. I'm waiting to find a job and for Grace to graduate. I'm also addicted to Tumblr. That is sadly my life at the moment...throw in a few chores like packing, taking the trash out, and dishes. Yep thar it is!

Uh, as for my writing...uh, well, le'see. I've been working on Ghost in the Wires 's companion piece, currently titled You Can Always Go Home (coming soon to posts near you). It's been a slow going process, because my brain is all scattered and WHAAA?!, but I think I've got a handle on it now (I f'ckin better seeing as it's just hit 31k) so I hope to have it done this week or mid next week. HOPING! Being the proper word.

Other than that, my life is soooooooo plain.

How are you all? I need to, like, I don't know. Break away from the Tumblr fever.

If any of you are on Tumblr and want to follow me/have me follow you: my Tumblr is this! I wouldn't follow me though. Who knows the crazy shit I talk about.

Sadly that is it. Hopefully more to come soon.

the muse is taking over!, max the muse, real life, my brain is disintegrating

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