Sep 20, 2007 09:50
Fuuuuck, it's cold, y'all. It's 50 degrees! That's jacket weather. I wonder if I'll have to buy an umbrella soon. Hm.
I got an e-mail from Amazon this morning informing me (among other things) that they're selling the first season of Bones for $19.99. So. That's a pretty good price. I probably won't get it because I've already bought SPN and FNL (though my FNL DVDs have yet to come! *cries* I even had a DREAM last night that I bought them in a store, what). Anybody know when the new season of Bones starts up? I'll have to look it up when I get home tonight. I need to draw myself a little TV-watching chart. These are the shows I want to watch this season:
Friday Night Lights (is there anybody on my flist not watching this show? Tell me so I can force encourage you to!)
The Office
I'm planning to watch FNL and The Office online because they conflict with SPN and N3. And of course if everybody says, oh you have to watch Reaper/Gossip Girls/Chuck/etc. I'll check it out. That's what I did with FNL and it PAID OFF.
What are you watching?