I'm not exactly sure where this *came* from...

Apr 13, 2007 23:39

Um. So. Is anyone around to do a quick beta of a 600 word SPN gen fic? Dean POV, featuring a bit of Sam and, uh. Jo. And, uh. A baby.


Alright, so I wrote baby!fic. Is anyone surprised? Yeah.

It's not Dean/Jo, if that icks you or whatever.

It's totally not what I had planned to do for spn_dailylife, but my attempts at what I'd planned were just... awful, and going nowhere fast. My second idea had (has?) promise, but I still wasn't getting much written, but I have all these BABIES in my head, and I kind of just wanted to write this and... so I did. *shrugs* To be honest, it barely even qualifies for the prompt ("jewelry"), but I have a feeling it's better than anything else was going to be.

Especially considering I was seriously thinking of writing turned-into-a-12-year-old-girl!Dean, just so I could work candy necklaces into it. Nobody wants that. ;-)

So, yeah, please? It's due by Sunday and I'd feel more comfortable posting it if somebody else took a look at it first. What if it's no good? That's a very viable possibility, here. :-/

fanfiction, supernatural

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