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sororcula April 13 2013, 17:33:57 UTC
Oh, we can talk about his tattoos! Depending on how much time you have, lmao.

So as you can see in that pic, he has the butterfly, the swallows, "g" and "A" (presumably for his sister Gemma and mom Anne), 17BLACK (which, according to the internet, "is a lucky gambling number in roulette and is the number used by James Bond whenever he has to infiltrate a casino to kill some baddies"), two small crosses with initials under them, "Things I Can" and "Things I Can't" on his forearms, a coat hanger, a heart, three nails, "LA" "NY" and "LDN", a ship, and his sister's name in Hebrew on his left arm...

pic of the ship tattoo, freshly done. You can also see his Pink Floyd prism and something written above it that looks like maybe "Can I not?" (WHICH, GOOD QUESTION. CAN HE NOT.)

Here is his left wrist:

"I can't change", a lock and key, a clover, 99p, and an Aquarius symbol. I feel like this might be a good point at which to mention that not all of his tattoos are professionally done, this kid sometimes just lets his dumbass friends ink him up with at-home tattoo kits.

Birdcage, comedy/tragedy masks, "SMCL" (which I have seen alternately claimed to stand for Smile More Cry Less and Smile More Cry Later but idk if either of these is actually accurate), and I'm not sure what that little thing next to them is. lmao it looks like an asterisk. On his arm, from the top of the picture down, you see his GREEN BAY PACKERS LOGO (lollllll he is so dummmbbbb, he literally got that on a bet from his friend), faded text that says "won't stop till we surrender...", the star, an iced gem cookie for his sister Gemma, Pingu (which is a bro-tat he got with Ed Sheeran, haha. Dumb/cute.)

Hi. (I love this one, haha, I think that's rill cute.)

oh here is an old pic, he used to have a banner with "love" in it but he covered it up with the swallows. This is why the birds don't actually match each other, though, if you noticed that.

"Might as well..." on his hipbone. Also you can barely see it in any of the pictures I've posted but he has a tiny "A" on the inside of his left arm, just under his elbow, which Zayn did! It's for his mom Anne.

Handshake on the back of his arm. This is one of my least favorites, I think it's kind of ugly, sorry Hazza.

Something unidentified across his ankles:

And finally, this creepy pic from his recent week in LA makes it look like he's got some stuff on the back of his left shoulder as well, that we just have never seen:




mustangcandi April 13 2013, 18:11:29 UTC
For some reason the "creepy pic from his recent week in LA" isn't showing up...

But the one above it is making me realize that he and Zayn have some matching tattoos. hehehe.

How do I feel?

I feel like I really can get behind some of these and the professionally done tattoos are quite beautiful. The self-inflicted tattoos make me feel like he's going to be getting arm sleeves someday to cover all of them. But that's probably the perspective of my age. haha. I have a commitment phobia so tattoos, while beautiful, are NOT something I ever intend to get. My brother has 2 tattoos that I think are quite awesome and look good on him. He has a phoenix tattoo on his back right shoulder... carrying a banner with his kids' birthdays written on it. He got it after his divorce as a way of remembering to rise from the ashes and his reason was his kids. The other is a band around his left bicep with the WV symbol all the way around (like in my icon).

But back to Harry... yeah, I understand how what he does with his body is one of the few things he has control over but... I feel like if you're going to ink yourself, there needs to be a reason for the tattoo. Like, what possible reason would you have for putting a coat hanger on yourself? LOL.

Ah, youth.


sororcula April 13 2013, 19:57:19 UTC
eh, it's okay, it was a really low-quality pic anyway!

Yeeees, he and Zayn both have the hearts and Zayn also recently got a Pink Floyd prism, sooooo. <3333 Zarry.

Harry doesn't talk about his tattoos that much so I try to give him the benefit of the doubt and figure that they have some meaning to HIM, even if he stays private about what that meaning is. But he is also a dumb teenage boy so probably a lot of them are not all that deep, lol.


so I posted this pic yesterday, idk if you saw it:

Oh, you might think to yourself. Look at those boys all cuddled up legs draped over each other on the couch, they look like they're gonna start making out or something in a minute.

Ha. Ha.

I weep.

(that is one of the boys from their opening band, btw.)


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