(no subject)

Dec 21, 2012 20:00

Sliiiightly tipsy--lol, I was about to finish that sentence with "for the first time in a while" and then I realized it's only been like a week or two since I was drunk-posting on here, so maybe that doesn't count as a while--but anyway it feels very NICE.

What are you guys up to this evening? I'm working on some homemade Christmas gifts, assuming I'm not so drunk I start accidentally slipping stitches in my knitting.

Still not over One Direction. Here's a taste, because I am secretly hoping someone on my flist will become obsessed with them too, SORRY.

Even if you don't like boybands, I KNOW you like puppies. AND BOYS IN SWEATERS.

ETA: Aw, Leverage got cancelled. I'm glad they filmed this upcoming final episode as the series finale they'd always envisioned. Still sad though!

alcohol, one direction, television, real life, leverage

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