Numb3rs drabble: "At The Movies" (Colby, Nikki, Liz, PG-13)

Jul 17, 2012 10:40

Sooo. On Sunday I made a comment about not being sure I even remembered how to write anymore and I ended up being CHALLENGED to write and post a drabble this week.

It's a little rusty but I guess technically maybe I can still write. :-P

Title: At The Movies
Characters: Colby, Nikki, Liz
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It figured that his teammates would wait until now to collect the movie tickets he owed them.
Word Count: 150
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Notes: Unbetaed. Pretty silly. Dedicated to t-vo0810. ;-)
Prompt: #377 "Candy" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

Colby was in the lobby, stalling while he contemplated which snacks to spend half a paycheck on. It figured that his teammates would wait until now to collect the movie tickets he owed them. They'd had an unsettling expression of glee on their faces all day in anticipation.

It wasn't too late to fake food poisoning and leave, he supposed, eyeing the gallon-sized buckets of toxically yellow popcorn nearby. But the previews were starting and he actually did want to see those.

He settled into his seat next to Nikki and Liz, returning the friendly nod a couple of guys nearby gave him and trying not to care when he realized it was because they assumed he was gay. When Channing Tatum's bare ass appeared on the screen, he sank a little lower in his seat, chewing on a Milk Dud and mentally scheduling in some extra gym time.

numb3rs100, fanfiction, rated pg-13, n3 fic, drabbles, gen

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