(no subject)

May 28, 2011 23:59

If I had more money than I do, I would snatch this perfume set up in a HEARTBEAT.

As it is I will probably angst guiltily over the price for a week day and then give in and buy it anyway. IT'S SECRETLY A GREAT VALUE OKAY.

Fuckin'... consumerism and... beauty ideals...

I saw a picture of Khloe Kardashian's shoe closet today (a closet! with nothing but shoes!). She has approximately one million pairs of Louboutins in there. I never wear heels but I still desperately wanted her collection.

What is wrong with me!

(Haha, OTOH I feel like it says something semi-good about me that I think I would need KARDASHIAN MONEY to be at a level where I wouldn't feel guilty about spending $65... lol.)


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