(no subject)

Jun 22, 2010 14:30

New mood theme! Coach and Mrs. Taylor plus Matt and Julie. ♥ I'm on an icon-downloading kick, too, but I haven't uploaded any new ones yet. Who knows, maybe next I'll even change my journal layout! Anything could happen!

You guys should check out the Awesome Ladies Ficathon if you haven't. There's some excellent fic in there. The kind of fic that makes me stare hopelessly at a blank document in my word processor, because I've suddenly realized that I can't write for shiiiit in comparison. Fortunately I am choosing to take this as inspiration to, you know, better myself! Rather than curl up in despair or go cry in the shower or whatever.

Okay, that is... far too much computer time for today, so I'm going to go get dressed and go outside for some fresh air.

(OH, but before I do that, did you guys watch Leverage?? So excellent.)

writing, leverage, friday night lights

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