2009 fic roundup

Jan 03, 2010 17:00

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I miss you all. School starts in a couple of days which means I'll be super busy but also means I'll probably be online more, so yay? Anyway! I finally got around to throwing together a master list of my 2009 fic. I thiiiink it's complete! I did it as quickly as possible and didn't really double check it, so. Anyway!

Fic of 2009

Total fic count: 34
Total word count: 14,332
Het: 9
Slash: 9
Het/Slash: 2
Femmeslash: 3
Gen: 11

January = 2609 words
-- Resolution (Colby/Liz, NC-17, Het, 2121 words)
-- Gonna Knock You Up (Don/Coop, PG-15, Slash, 388 words)
-- Strongman (Don, Amita, OMC, G, Gen, 100 words)

February = 3550 words
-- *Bleep* Mountain! (Don/Coop, R, Slash, 2650 words)
-- Easy As (Colby, Nikki, G, Gen, 100 words)
-- Sunspots (Coop, Charlie, G, Gen, 100 words)
-- On My Way (Liz, G, Gen, 100 words)
-- Howdy Pardner (Charlie/Colby, PG-13, Slash, 100 words)
-- A Little Closer (Coop/Charlie, G, Slash, 100 words)
-- After Math (Don/Amita, R, Het, 100 words)
-- Pieing Up Baby (Don/Tim King, PG-13, Slash, 100 words)
-- Find X (Don, Colby, Charlie, David, G, Gen, 100 words)
-- This Time (Don, Charlie, PG-13, Gen, 100 words)

March = 1153 words
-- Scrapbook (Don, Charlie, Margaret, Alan, G, Gen, 400 words)
-- Take You Home (Colby/Nikki, NC-17, Het, 500 words)
-- She Got The Way To Groove Me (Don/Megan, Coop/Megan, Colby/Charlie, Coop/Colby, PG-15, Het/Slash, 253 words)

April = 300
-- Secret Garden (Liz/Nikki, G, Femmeslash, 100 words)
-- Uncovered (Liz/Nikki, Colby, PG, Femmeslash, 200 words)

May = 300 words
-- Keep Tryin' (Colby, Nikki, G, Gen, 100 words)
-- Safe (Charlie, Don, Liz, PG-13, Gen, 200 words)

June = 1631 words
-- Save It Up (Charlie/Amita, PG, Het, 100 words)
-- (Every Time) (Colby/OFC, David, PG-13, Het, 404 words)
-- Christopsomos (Ensemble, PG-13, Gen, 457 words)
-- Put Your Eyes On Me (Liz/Nikki, R, Femmeslash, 200 words)
-- Road Trip (Joe/Nick, PG, pre-Slash, 470 words)

July = 400 words
-- Just A Little Off Course (David/Liz, R, Het, 300 words)
-- Blue Clear (Alan/Margaret, Charlie/Amita, PG, Het, 100 words)

August = 3245 words
-- Second Look (David/Liz, Don, Nikki, R, Het, 590 words)
-- Over Again (Nadine, OFCs, R, Gen, 570 words)
-- You May Be Right (Don/Coop, Coop/OFC, R, Slash/Het, 1108 words)
-- Miles To You (Don/Charlie, PG-15, pre-Slash, 400 words)
-- Simply A Wow (Colby/OFC, PG-15, Het, 577 words)

September = 1044 words
-- Just Another Day (Colby/Charlie, Ian, Millie, Don, PG-13, Slash, 1044 words)



December = 100 words
-- Don/Charlie, first time barebacking (Don/Charlie, NC-17, Slash, 100 words)

fanfiction, jb fic, n3 fic, jonas brothers, master list, numb3rs

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