(no subject)

Jul 27, 2009 23:27

ATTN: mercilynn. Here is another video for you to watch tomorrow when you have sound.

image Click to view

Also, I'm grabbing this meme from rodlox:
01. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
02. Do this everyday for eight days without fail.
03. Tag eight of your friends to do the same. (Do it if you want!)

Monday 7/27: There are actually a lot of things that made me happy today, so here's a list: The delicious palak paneer I had for lunch. Finishing the book I've been reading. Thinking up some cool ideas for my numb3rs_het fics. Airdrumming on the bus ride home. The amaaaazing fresh homemade salsa my dad made for dinner. Watching a couple episodes of Sports Night. Watching a couple episodes of Monk. Receiving Dead & Breakfast in the mail from Netflix. (Haha). Chatting with Ash! :-)

The end!

meme, jonas brothers

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