...so apparently I have trouble finishing things.

Jul 17, 2009 21:20

Grabbed from dsudis:

When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y.

My N3 drabble WIP folder has around 30 documents in it, so I decided to stick with just my non-drabble WIPs. If you guys WANT to see bits of my drabbles, I'll make another post for those.

1. Bodyswap donmegan. ~1050 words:

This was Don's bedroom, and this was Don's body. Okay.

She stared at the reflection, wide startled eyes looking back at her from an unshaven face, and she pinched her arm, hard.

2. coop/charlie "devotion." ~420 words:

"Yeah, sort of." Don scratched the back of his neck. "My brother's in Europe somewhere, I think."

"Huh," Coop said. "By himself?"

Don laughed. "I know, right? Kid can't tie his own shoe without a fucking equation, but there he is."

3. david/liz undercover. ~560 words:

And it wasn't that she didn't like David. He was a nice guy, an extremely competent agent, and she trusted him to back her. She just didn't want to date him.

"Whatever," Colby said unsympathetically. "I'm just glad I don't have to."

4. david/liz undercover makeout (same fic as the previous one, but written in a separate document so you get a twofer). ~480 words:

Beyond them, a man cleared his throat. Liz froze, pulling back, but David squeezed his hands minutely and ignored it, keeping his mouth pressed to hers.

5. Don/Megan spend the night. ~440 words:

He stared at her in the mirror. “And... there’s obviously no difference whatsoever between sleeping in a bed with my brother and sleeping in a bed with... you.”

6. don/terry undercover (lol, theme, what theme?). ~250 words:

"Are you ready?" he asks her when he's a few feet away.

"I think so."

He smiles at her, but just barely. He's serious tonight. So is she, but nerves are making her giddy and restless.

7. Emma's Birthday Fic! (from like two years ago, because I faaaaaail, sorry) ~280 words:

When she reaches out to grab the bundle in his arms he finally remembers he's holding the baby, and he looks down at him, alarmed, but his kid is just staring up at him, face scrunched a little in confusion. Amita takes him carefully and Charlie bops his head in a nod, drops a kiss on her cheek, and continues out the door.

8. girl!Charlie. ~190 words:

By the time she turns two, they all know there's something weird about Charlotte.

9. hello professor charlie/liz. 110 words:

She called him professor. Not the way other people did, like they were regressing back to their college days just by being near him, or the way Colby did, spun with a smirk and an ounce of impatience. She didn't sound nervous like his students, coming up to ask questions after class.

She said it like she was flirting.

10. Mel's birthday fic (again, good lord, I have no idea which birthday this was for). ~250 words:

Terry eyed the bakery's small interior. "Nice," she said. "You bring all your girls here?"

"Just the ones I want to impress," he shot back with a smirk.

"That display case is impressive," she admitted, eyeing the shelves of cakes and pastries. "But I don't know, Don, there are no 'cotton' or 'delicate' settings. This all feels so foreign."

11. nikki/david. ~580 words:

"Alright." Despite the chill, the fresh air feels good on her skin. She tucks her hands into her pockets and looks around as they walk, memorizing the route. She likes to know where she is, whether or not she has a gun at her hip. "Where's Colby?"

12. omg dirty rpf (hahahaha, oh god, sorry, sorry. Forgive me.) ~1620 words:

"Hi!" she says, shaking his hand. She has a wide smile. "I'm Diane! Chris has told me so much about you."

Dylan glances at Chris but he's busy unpacking a couple of duffels from the back of his car. "Hi," he says. "Nice to meet you."

13. david/megan/colby. ~1380 words:

She huffs out an exasperated breath, but lets him pull her in close, taking her weight. She can feel him pressed against her back, every plane and rise, and when she shifts slightly, he tightens his arms and she can feel it, can feel his dick against her ass, not completely hard but there. It makes her flush all over, and when she looks up she finds David staring at her, catching her eyes. There's something intense in it and she can't look away, can't breathe, maybe, for a long moment, and finally when he leans in to kiss her she wonders if they had this planned, the two of them, until she hears Colby whisper, "Jesus," in her ear, all shock and awe in his voice.

14. SPACE AU. ~440 words:

Don was beyond pissed when he found out Coop had convinced Charlie to fly with him. He yelled for a while, spouting a lot of over-protective older brother bullshit about how dangerous it was, and when that didn't work he stopped talking to Coop for a good six months.

15. 36 hours coda david/colby. 360 words:

Colby keeps thinking about what happened, about meters and yards and hitting a dead end when he was supposed to reach David. Crazy son of a bitch watches too many superhero movies. He hits a red light and glances over, tracking the rise and fall of David's chest as he sleeps, resting there against the window. He thinks about the stuttering rise and fall of William's chest as he struggled to breathe in Colby's arms.

He thinks that a guy could have worse role models than Iron Man.

16. counterfeit reality draft 2. ~1050 words:

"So what did you do today? Lay around my apartment with your feet up while I worked my ass off?" Don asks, shoving him playfully as he walks past to sit on the couch. He props his own bare feet up on the coffee table. The cab fare is still sitting there, untouched.

Charlie thinks for a moment, considering the analyses and quantifications and formulas from the day, and the lesson plans scribbled in his notebook. He looks at Don. "I did some math stuff," he says.

Don eyes him. "Watch me faint in shock."

17. don/charlie backscatter. ~740 words:

"Well I'm not either, Charlie, I know what I'm talking about. Listen, okay? Right now, listen to me." Don caught his gaze and held it. "You've almost been shot twice because of me. A bullet has come within inches of you twice because of me." Charlie looked away and Don leaned forward to grasp his chin and pull it back to face him. "Look at me."

18. Don/Coop In Plain Sight. ~230 words:

And then he's chatting up this hot mama who's laughing at his jokes and clearly thinks he's cute, but when he leans closer to turn things up a notch, she glances at Don over Coop's shoulder and says, "I think your friend will be jealous."

19. drinks? liz/nikki. ~810 words:

They stayed for another hour and Liz learned, among other things: Nikki was a dog person, liked to dance, could barely cook, and thought Izzie Stevens was a waste of screen time.

It was almost enough to make her reconsider her transfer request.

20. eppes_slash challenge (Come Crashing Through Your Door). ~1450 words:

Later, they drink a few shots in honor of the occasion, and then Coop watches Don strip down to his boxers in the July heat. They both lie down on top of their bedcovers. Coop feels buzzed and lazy half-hard.

"Hey," he says, "I changed my mind."

21. liz/amita in the dark. ~520 words:

She finds a chair, pushes Liz down into it, and straddles her lap, letting her skirt run up her legs, chased there by Liz's fingers clutching her thighs. Her hands cradle Liz's face, tipping it up to guide their kiss, and then, heart pounding, she lowers them to rest on the top button of her shirt. "Oh," Liz breathes.

22. dean/girl!sam, white. ~270 words:

On her rebellious days, she wears eyeliner, thick black rings around her eyes representing the darkness of her soul or some shit like that. She does it to piss Dad off. Now he's been gone for two days and her face is bare. It makes her prettier.

23. Jo/Jess. 41 words:

At first, Jo thought she'd done a bad job researching the case. Then she realized that the body climbing out of the grave a few yards away was completely unrelated to the set of bones she was currently salting and burning.

24. spn_dailylife. ~160 words:

Dark pink lipstick stains the edge of the woman's coffee cup, and she thumbs the print distractedly while she speaks.

25. spn_xx. ~340 words:

Sam nods. His lips are white, pressed tight together. He shifts his hand on his leg, pressing the now-ruined balled up t-shirt down harder to stop the blood.

Dean looks back to the road, trying to loosen his grip on the steering wheel.

“Bobby says, uh. They’re good people. It’ll be okay.”


“Not far,” he says again, letting his foot drop a little heavier on the gas.

On the stereo, Johnny has 22 minutes to go.

fanfiction, writing, meme

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