Jared/Jensen/Sandy FTW, y'all!

Jan 29, 2007 23:47

Okay, so, it's possible I have this... thing, for Jared/Jensen/Sandy. Possibly. It's even possible I've written things like

"You and Sandy, together. I think that'd be hot." Jared's nodding to himself, grinning.

"Dude, shouldn't you be unhappy about the prospect of your girlfriend cheating on you, not, you know, fantasizing about it?"

"It's not cheating if it's you."

Jensen chokes this time. "What? Okay, wait, wait, does that apply to just Sandy or everybody? 'Cause that line could really work for me, I'm thinking."

"Just Sandy. And me."

"I'm not even going to think about what that means," Jensen says.

"It means," Jared explains, "if Sandy has sex with you, I won't care, and if I have sex with you, she won't care."

Heh. Yeah, so. Point being, when I read quotes from Jensen saying things like, "He's got a girlfriend and I love her to death?" I get extremely happy.


(I also may have giggled over the line, "We just kind of fell into a nice rhythm," but that's because I'm secretly 12, not because I like threesomes.)

Source for these quotes is here.

Oh, also! Heroes was tonight, wasn't it? Haha. Give me a break, it's been... two whole hours since it ended. :-) Just one thing I wanted to say--that scene between Peter and Nathan, in Peter's apartment, when Peter looks at Mohinder, all, "Leave us alone so I can fuck talk to my brother," and Nathan nods to him to give them a minute, I was all, ooh, nice. And then the rest of that scene had me biting my lip because it was so intimate. No kissing, but... touching and leaning in close and whispering and *dead*.

In other news, a stranger invited me to check out her bare ass today. I'm chalking it up to a win. :-D

heroes, j2 plus sandy

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