Sooo, the
numb3rs_awards winners were
posted today! And a buuuunch of people from my flist won various things, so congratulations, y'all. :-)
I don't put much stock into these things (one of the categories is KILLING me because the fic I voted for was like the BEST THING I'D EVER READ and it didn't win. I am telling myself it surely came in second) but I'm still really pleased that three of my fics won. I guess I will... put the banners under a cut in an attempt to be less ostentatious.
Het: Best Drabble (tie) -
I Thought You Needed A Permit For That Sort Of Thing (Ian/Amita, PG-15)
Het: Best Romance -
You've Got What Gets Me (Colby/OFC, R)
Slash: Best Drabble -
Exhibit A (Don/Coop, PG)