5 characters meme

Aug 22, 2008 23:24

Meme grabbed from rodlox.

1. Comment on this post.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

I was given the letter B. I'm cutting this because I got hella wordy (and decided to include pictures, too, just for fun), but here's the list on its own so you can see if it's worth clicking the cut. (BTW, you can expect mild spoilers for the TV shows/movies listed).

1. Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Bones)
2. Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights)
3. Ben Gonzalez (Reaper)
4. Byron "Buster" Bluth (Arrested Development)
5. Bridget Vreeland (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)

1. Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Bones)
I love Brennan. I really, really, really love Brennan. I think she's one of the best female characters on TV. She's incredibly smart and really strong and also complicated and sometimes inaccessible. Sometimes it makes her seem cold but at the same time we've seen SO many examples of her love for the people around her. She's also playful and funny and clever and fearless and awesome.

2. Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights)
Oh, Billy. He tries. I've always liked Billy, and I'm always a little bit sad when he doesn't show up in an episode. Sometimes he's kind of a crappy brother, but he obviously loves Tim and he's been forced into this rough spot of basically parenting his little brother (OMG, shades of Dean Winchester) while he wants to have his own life and his own girl and be able to get by.

3. Ben Gonzalez (Reaper)
Ben is adorable. He's so sweet and earnest and lovely and the poor thing is always getting hurt when he helps Sam with his reaping. He also rounds out the group of friends very nicely, softening the guy humor just a touch so that it's not obnoxious.

4. Byron "Buster" Bluth (Arrested Development)
Heeeey hermano. Buster is hilarious, with his neverending advanced schooling (in totally random subjects), his occasionally debilitating panic attacks, his seal for marksmanship, his HOOK, and his oddly close and codependent relationship with his mother. I could go on to talk a lot more about him, probably, but this is getting long.

5. Bridget Vreeland (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)
I've never read the books, so I'm basing this on the movies. I didn't really like Bridget that much in the first one, but she was by far my favorite character in the sequel. I think it was partly the fact that she was the one girl whose storyline isn't about a romantic relationship (which means, basically, that it was a lot more compelling/interesting than any of the other girls', plus it involved going on an archeological dig, which was pretty cool) and partly the fact that she has amazing hair. I don't even know why, really, but even though the movie wasn't really very good, I keep thinking about her character. And I may have a little bit of a girlcrush on Blake Lively.


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