So, while I am certainly not posting my name at the
Brutal Honesty Meme, I do find it kind of intriguing and so was reading the comments... until some goddamn bitch posted a SPOILER in
jelloh0530's thread. Goddamnit.
(I am really pissed about this, you guys! Ack.)
I should go immerse myself in FNL fandom instead, I guess. Because.
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS GOT RENEWED (probably). I am RIDICULOUSLY excited about that. Or, you know, I was earlier, when I was in a good mood.
(Also. I discovered earlier that when I recently culled my icons, I removed all of my ANGRY ones. Apparently I thought I was a really happy, smiley person. But, um, MAYBE NOT.)
Anyway. I hadn't realized before this meme how insecure I am about LJ. I really kind of do want to know what people honestly think of me (because for whatever reason I keep thinking there must be things about me that people really HATE/are annoyed by), except that, you know... I cannot handle people saying mean things to/about me. Heh. I take this shit really personally; if I got some of the comments in that meme directed at me, I would be SOBBING right now.
I'm almost crying now anyway, but that's just... *handwave* One of those days. I'm like a toddler up past her bedtime, haha. Only... swearing more.
What was your FAVORITE thing about today? Mine was probably slashing these two cute guys on the bus this morning. All down hill from there, other than the FNL thing (which is omg so exciting!)