Numb3rs 4x12: "Power"

Jan 18, 2008 23:08

HI, raise your hand if you loved tonight's episode.

MEGAN. I love you, Megan. So much. So, so much. Ugh, I wanted her to fucking shoot that guy at the end, except she would have been all CONFLICTED and GUILTY over it, plus we wouldn't have gotten Colby joking about prison rape, which, you know. Rape jokes are never funny unless they're about a rapist! So good job Colby. Haha.

NOT TO MENTION. Okay. So IVY was kind of annoying and frustrating and awful at first. Like... for the first 45 minutes of the episode. But then suddenly, the two women were working together to catch the asshole rapist and it was AMAZING and gah, the femmeslasher in me was totally making WAY TOO MUCH of that scene between them right after the guy was arrested. But I would REALLY REALLY like to see some Megan/Ivy now plzkthx.

I also loved seeing Colby in the police uniform, heh. Aaaand... Don was fine, nothing special except for seeing him in BED at the end, all snug under the blankets AND I discovered that I'm not really crazy about him calling people other than Amita "sweetie." :-/ I don't know. If one of the female agents/officers had used a pet name with a victim, I think I would have been okay with it, but a man using it with a rape victim just kind of... I guess it felt condescending, and thus, victimizing, to me. But that's my bullshit know-nothing analysis. Or maybe my inner Don/Amita shipper just got jealous! Who knows. ;-)

And also, ugh, it was one thing for the victim to be unwilling to cooperate with the FBI, but I was really annoyed with her parents acting like the feds were out to get their daughter.

I thought Charlie and Amita were cute! "I want the world for you," he said, and I melted. :-) And Larry and Megan were lovely, too.

Alan annoyed me, but I guess he often does. I don't know, I just... don't understand why blackboards in the living room are such a big deal, I guess? Or why four people suddenly can't fit in a large house that *gasp* used to house four people? I mean, I would imagine that the house has at least three bedrooms.

I don't know. Mostly I paid attention to MEGAN and also to the Megan/Ivy moment at the end. Or even just the amazing badass chase scene with the two women in the car, gah, that was awesome.

I guess I enjoy watching women work together to lock up men who attack women! w00t.


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