Say It Again series master post

Jan 17, 2008 17:29

I believe this was my first attempt at femmeslash. leda-speaks is most likely to blame. ;-)

The series is a WIP, with at least one more drabble coming MAYBE, if I ever write it. I'm pretty sure it stands on its own as is, though. All fics are Megan/Amita.

Just Want You Near. "Just tell me." Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Falling Into Place. Megan almost thinks she won't answer. Rated PG-15. 100 words.
Anything You Say. She can't move. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Hold Me Here. A flash of silver above her head. Rated NC-17. 150 words.

fanfiction, say it again, master list, megan/amita

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